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Example sentences for "witnessed"

Lexicographically close words:
witless; witling; witnes; witness; witnesse; witnesses; witnesseth; witnessing; wits; witted
  1. The afternoon session had begun at the academy, and therefore Ben’s plight was not witnessed by any of the scholars, for which he was doubly thankful.

  2. I have lived through the period of repressed childhood, and witnessed the dawn of a new era which has made the dwellers in youth's "golden age" the most important factor in human development.

  3. He seemed to be comic under some great calamity, and was only upheld by the hilarity of those who witnessed his sufferings, and enjoyed his comedy under difficulties.

  4. A second adds, "it was the most perfect performance of any that has been witnessed since the days of Garrick.

  5. Power and willingness to execute it to the last tittle are witnessed by heaven and earth, by history and experience.

  6. Retaining the existing text (which is witnessed by the LXX.

  7. They knew not that their desires could not be fulfilled by the longest succession of dying kings, but were to be more than accomplished by One, "of whom it is witnessed that He liveth.

  8. The only tornado that I have ever witnessed was an undeveloped one in England, and a bit lethargic compared to those of the Prairie States.

  9. This phenomenon has been witnessed oftenest in dry regions and never for very long or in great amounts, although a half hour of this sort of disembodied storm is on record.

  10. If anyone had been there he would have witnessed an odd and grizzly change in the pleasant Baronet's countenance.

  11. I witnessed several of its eruptions; but unfortunately not one of the largest.

  12. I had now been three nights and two days in the immediate vicinity of the Geyser, and had witnessed five eruptions, of which two were of the most considerable that had ever been known.

  13. Of the want of cleanliness of the Icelanders, no one who has not witnessed it can have any idea; and if I attempted to describe some of their nauseous habits, I might fill volumes.

  14. The day on which I witnessed the salmon-fishing happened to be one of the few fine days that occur during a summer in Iceland.

  15. In the neighbourhood many hot springs gushed forth; but I saw no columns of water, and my guide assured me that such a phenomenon was never witnessed here.

  16. When it was over, I witnessed an amusing rural scene.

  17. In the course of the revolutions witnessed by the old cathedral, mutilations were added to the damage caused by weather.

  18. Once I witnessed an example of snake intelligence on a large scale, which profoundly impressed me.

  19. One of the finest spectacles I ever witnessed was a pitched battle between two splendid tigers, in a cage which afforded them ample room.

  20. Never before had we witnessed such a fearsome exhibition of insane hatred and rage.

  21. When I witnessed Peter's performance in New York, saw the length of it and noted the immense amount of nervous energy that each performance used up, I made the prediction that he could not for one year endure such a strain.

  22. I wish it might be witnessed by all those ultra-humane persons who think and say that the free wild animals are the only happy ones!

  23. I have questioned many old hunters, and read many books by bear hunters, but Ira Dodge, of Wyoming, is the only man I know who has witnessed a real fight between wild bears.

  24. The first time I witnessed this I did not comprehend its real meaning, but on another occasion in McCormick Bay I saw a wounded animal leaving a trail of blood and oil, supported on either side by two uninjured ones.

  25. In all the timber-forests of southern India every captive elephant is taught to perform all the following acts and services, as I have witnessed on many occasions: 1.

  26. The Feast day itself witnessed the coronation of Humphrey's father as King Henry IV.

  27. Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit, but as he witnessed in the power of the Holy Spirit for his risen Lord, he saw no conversions at the time.

  28. They have felt the wind and they have seen its effects, and just so we, beyond a question, have felt the mighty presence of the Spirit and witnessed His mighty workings.

  29. His mighty power we have witnessed and His reality we cannot doubt.

  30. For this use a circular piece of white paper about four inches in diameter.

  31. Mark the features with ink; when dry, color the face, arms and body pink; paint the remaining part of the figure gray.

  32. Hume seems to contemplate such a case, the case of a miracle witnessed and attested by a multitude of persons, in the following imaginary miracle which he proposes as a basis for reasoning.

  33. This kind of miracle, as deduced by our reason, and not witnessed experimentally, or drawn from any past records, we call an a priori miracle.

  34. Here his sympathies were fully aroused, as he witnessed the savage treatment of the simple natives and the incessant butcheries and slavery in the mines, which were rapidly depopulating the islands.

  35. The scenes of drunkenness and dissoluteness which he witnessed in Goa inspired him with a number of satirical poems, by which he drew upon himself much enmity and persecution.

  36. England won a very important victory at Dunbar during his first invasion of Scotland, and to the place which had witnessed the triumph of the father, his son, Edward II.

  37. It was just outside the boundary of old Carlisle, and executions were witnessed from the walls, by men and women alike.

  38. He merely knew that a paper was missing, and having seen a paper taken out of the safe he got it into his head that he had possibly witnessed the theft; and he kept his knowledge to himself till he could see somebody in authority.

  39. I, of course, said nothing of having witnessed the man's terrible end, as I had resolved to keep the fearful secret locked in my own bosom.

  40. Near the top of the hill we met Mr Laffan, who had witnessed the encounter.

  41. I had before thought war a terrible thing, but the scenes I had lately witnessed impressed me still more forcibly with a horror of its fearful results.

  42. Not, however, till he had witnessed a strange sight.

  43. This last exclamation was addressed to Master Love, who, having witnessed thus much of the interview in a state of stupefied bewilderment, now recovered his presence of mind sufficiently to make a furious dash at the burly policeman.

  44. That mysterious presentiment which takes hold of the senses of men who have witnessed something which, to them, is inexplicable?

  45. I had witnessed the other side of things, the bad side; I have not been able to perceive the good side since that day.

  46. The spring of the year 1795 witnessed a strange blending of the new fanaticism with the old customs.

  47. Truly, the years that witnessed Napoleon's fall were fruitful in paradox.

  48. With his usual ardour in the cause of learning, Bonaparte several times a week appeared in the chemical laboratory, or witnessed the experiments performed by Berthollet and Monge.

  49. The next day witnessed the same sight, the allies drawing steadily back, showering shot from every post of vantage, and leaving not a prisoner or a caisson in the conquerors' hands.

  50. Buonaparte, on his arrival at Paris, witnessed the closing scenes of the reign of Louis XVI.

  51. The dawn of the nineteenth century witnessed some startling rearrangements on the political chess-board.

  52. From the earliest times down to those of the two Napoleons, the banks of the Mincio have witnessed many of the contests which have decided the fortunes of the peninsula.

  53. With Frederick matched against Napoleon, the Lech and the Danube would have witnessed a very cyclone of war.

  54. A writing of the second century had already witnessed to the same reading; but Jerome adds further that well-informed men had long ago removed the name of Esaias.

  55. Tischendorf accordingly is forced, for once, to reject the reading of his oracle א,—witnessed to though it be by Origen and Eusebius.

  56. By further odious means--the prisoner being removed from her apartments on some pretence and the rooms then searched--possession was obtained of other papers which witnessed against her.

  57. Men witnessed the singular spectacle of an expedition against Ireland being fitted out on the coasts of the States of the Church.

  58. I saw your uncle die in the wars of Italy, I witnessed your brave father's death at the battle of Hastenbeck, and I cannot be a party to the ruin of the last of your name, the only one left of the stock of the Lafayettes!

  59. In 1824 he witnessed a Presidential election with four candidates, Adams, Jackson, Clay, and Crawford.

  60. When the allies entered Paris Lafayette witnessed the downfall of the Empire with mixed emotions.

  61. What various scenes, and O, what scenes of woe, Are witnessed by that red and struggling beam!

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "witnessed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.