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Example sentences for "oracle"

Lexicographically close words:
opus; opynyon; ora; oracion; oracles; oracular; oral; orally; oram
  1. Atahualpa himself had gone to ask the oracle if he should attack the Spaniards: the oracle had answered yes, and that he would easily conquer them.

  2. A more important conquest still remained, of the patriarch, the oracle and leader of the Egyptian church.

  3. Micah has more to say, but not better, about the demagogue prophets in the following oracle (iii.

  4. The book opens with an oracle against Samaria (Mic.

  5. Judah and the isolation of Jerusalem by Sennacherib in 701 (perhaps the latest oracle of Isaiah preserved in the book), but it contains passages (e.

  6. Zechariah's first oracle is dated in the month after that in which Haggai's first was delivered.

  7. God had pity on his people; the following oracle (ii.

  8. It is immediately followed by a short oracle (Isa.

  9. More certain it is that the continuator of the book made some changes in the account; the oracle of Huldah, for example, seems to have been revised in the light of the event.

  10. Nowhere is the state of things in that three quarters of a century more clearly exposed than in the first oracle of Zephaniah.

  11. If it is Babylon, the oracle must be considered later than i.

  12. Outside this group is an oracle against Edom (c.

  13. Early in the reign of Jehoiakim, Jeremiah delivered himself of a fulminant oracle in the gate of the temple (Jer.

  14. The land of Hadrach," to which the first oracle is directed, is in all probability the region of Antioch, the Seleucid capital.

  15. Love, if not a religion, as the oracle had just pronounced it, is, at least, a superstition.

  16. The oracle was dressed, as I have said, very richly, in the Chinese fashion.

  17. About an hour ago I lighted upon them, in another salon, and consulted the oracle by putting questions.

  18. Israel over which the Davidic king had no jurisdiction; and it is probable that we do not possess the oracle in its original form or completeness.

  19. The former appropriately reserves the oracle against Babylon to the end, the latter places it third, i.

  20. With this seems to go the next little enigmatic oracle concerning Edom, xxi.

  21. There is no probability, however, that the oracle was written by Jeremiah.

  22. But the contents of the oracle show that it cannot belong to the year to which it is assigned.

  23. The oracle concerning Babylon, the first of the series of oracles concerning foreign nations, is one of the most magnificent odes in literature.

  24. A certain vigour also characterizes the oracle against the Philistines (xlvii.

  25. This oracle purports to be a message which Jeremiah sent with an officer Seraiah, who accompanied King Zedekiah to Babylon (li.

  26. Jeremiah, for it presupposes the preceding oracle against Babylon, which has just been shown not to be authentic.

  27. Doubts that are not unreasonable have also been raised regarding the oracle against Edom, i.

  28. A way out of this difficulty has usually been sought in the assumption that both prophets have made use, in different ways, of an older oracle against Edom, vv.

  29. The section may be later than the oracle in Jeremiah xlix, as no use is made of it there.

  30. But the case is gravely complicated by the similarity, which is much too close to be accidental, between Obadiah 1-9 and the oracle against Edom in Jeremiah, xlix.

  31. Having left his native country, Argos, in consequence of the accidental murder of Liscymnius, he was commanded by an oracle to retire to Rhodes.

  32. One of his friends, he tells us, named Chaerephon, went to the oracle of Apollo at Delphi, and asked whether there was anybody wiser than Socrates.

  33. And therefore hereunto they have recourse, as unto the Oracle of life, the great determinator of Virginity, Conception, Fertility, and the Inscrutable infirmities of the whole Body.

  34. I cannot but marvail from what Sibyl or Oracle they stole the Prophesie of the worlds destruction by fire, or whence Lucan learned to say, Communis mundo superest rogus, assibus astra Misturus.

  35. And Móo upon her marriage day had mourned, For she by Oracle had been forewarned That Coh from her might in the future time Be torn by dastard treachery and crime.

  36. In spite of many wrongs thou may’st endure, Of fame this oracle doth thee assure.

  37. More strange than all, the Oracle foretold— “In bitter woe this thought may thee uphold: Both will return; the sister thou wilt be And wife once more of him awaiting thee.

  38. In the Republic he accepts the new festival to the Thracian Goddess Bendis; and there he is made by Plato to inculcate a quite orthodox acceptance of the Delphic oracle as the source of all religious practice.

  39. Isocrates, openly hinted in his work at his disbelief in the oracle of Apollo, and in fabulous traditions generally.

  40. In the days of Demosthenes we still find them politically consulting the Pythian oracle, despite the consciousness among educated men that the oracle is a piece of political machinery.

  41. Tommaso Tonti was the oldest mariner of Elba, and luckily, being a sober, and usually a discreet man, he was the oracle of the island in most things that related to the sea.

  42. The reply of the oracle declared, that no one was wiser.

  43. The God alone is wise: and his oracle declares human wisdom to be worth little or nothing, employing the name of Sokrates as an example.

  44. He at length concluded that the declaration of the oracle could be proved true, only on the hypothesis that other persons were less wise than they seemed to be or fancied themselves.

  45. According to his statement, his friend and earnest admirer Chaerephon, had asked the question at the oracle of Delphi, whether any one was wiser than Sokrates?

  46. The same declaration of the oracle concerning him.

  47. An oracle by the Amonians was termed Alphi, and Alpha, the voice of God.

  48. It was another place of this name, an oracle of their own, to which the Babylonians, and Persians, applied.

  49. And when the Persians succeeded, it is not credible, that they should apply to an oracle at Lesbos, or to an oracle of Greece.

  50. Some of them seem to have gained access at Delphi; as did likewise others from Egypt: and by such was that oracle first founded.

  51. This is an exact description of the [1147]Apis, and other sacred kine in Egypt: and the history relates to an oracle given to the Cadmians in that country.

  52. That he was a deity is plain from his temple and oracle abovementioned: which, we find, were of great repute, and resorted to by various people from the opposite coast.

  53. He calls the place the head of Orpheus: and mentions, that the oracle proceeded from a cavity in the earth; and that it was consulted by Cyrus, the Persian.

  54. Strabo mentions from the historian, Ephorus, that the oracle at Delphi was founded by these two [871]deities at the time, when Apollo was going over the world doing good to all mankind.

  55. The Chaldeans had an oracle as famous among the people of those parts, as Delphi was among the Grecians.

  56. The oracle at Dodona was founded by people from the same country, as we are assured by [1179]Herodotus and others.

  57. The true state of affairs is quite accurately portrayed in the oracle which decreed, “Egypt is all the country watered by the Nile, and Egyptians are all those who dwell below the town Elephantine and drink Nile water.

  58. At the very commencement of their reign, an oracle had foretold to them that he amongst them who should make libations in the temple of Hephaistos (Ptah) with a brazen cup, would have the empire of all Egypt.

  59. Doubtless the theory was at this time evolved in Thebes, later in Ethiopia, that the king was not only obliged to consult the oracle in all his acts, but also that he was appointed and could be deposed by the oracle.

  60. An inscription at Abydos shows in what honour he was held, how the king looked after his father’s grave, questioned the oracle at Thebes on his behalf, and prayed God for the victory of the general.

  61. The king, perceiving that the oracle was accomplished, made alliance with the Ionians and Carians, and engaged them by large promises to take his part.

  62. It will be remembered that this oracle had already served as an excuse to draw Ummanigash into a war.

  63. Smarting under this outrage, and resolved to avenge himself on the authors of his exile, he sent to Buto to consult the oracle of Leto, the most veracious of the Egyptian oracles.

  64. The oracle he had asked from the goddess of Erech had enjoined on him to fetch back the image of the goddess Nana, which had been carried off to Elam centuries before.

  65. Each oracle denies his predecessor, each magician breaks the wand of the one who went before him.

  66. The discourse which comes to us from the Trimount oracle commands us, "Build, therefore, your own world.

  67. Perhaps the National Council of the Congregationalists, held at Boston in 1865, may be reckoned as one of the occurrences which the oracle just missed.

  68. Each was an oracle in his way, but unfortunately oracles are fallible to their descendants.

  69. It is a fine thing to be an oracle to which an appeal is always made in all discussions.

  70. The Terror of the schoolroom was the oracle in her relations with her friend.

  71. These are they who possess the Oracle of Dionysos; which Oracle is on their most lofty mountains.

  72. This in fact is added as an afterthought, the idea being originally to call attention simply to the fulfilment of the oracle of Lysistratos.

  73. At last, as there was contention about those matters, the Spartans resolved to ask the Oracle at Delphi whether Demaratos was the son of Ariston.

  74. And in an oracle it was thus written about it: 87 "Delos too will I move, unmoved though it hath been aforetime.

  75. They believe that the true oracle of Jesus Christ is by the signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars, which signs do not thus appear to many of us foolish ones.

  76. He had this institution so much at heart, that he obtained from Delphi an oracle in its behalf, called rhetra, or the decree.

  77. This oracle Lycurgus took down in writing, and sent it to Sparta.

  78. To him, as to an infallible oracle of majesty, the duchess was referred, and in him there watched a stern supervisor of her administration.

  79. But did the oracle itself not add, That he who did so would behold the truth?

  80. Your life is the oracle which I will especially consult on every undertaking--the mirror in which I will contemplate everything.

  81. Tis true the oracle declared, 'Let none Venture to raise the veil till raised by me.

  82. Soon Saturnus will his bride discover,-- So the mighty oracle hath said; Blazing worlds will turn to marriage torches When Eternity with Time shall wed!

  83. Public opinion is our nurse and preceptor in infancy, our oracle and idol in riper years, our staff in old age.

  84. Our philosophy is the unhappy curiosity of Oedipus, who did not cease to inquire till the dreadful oracle was unravelled.

  85. Feelings polluted the voice of the deities echo no longer, In the dishonored breast now is the oracle dumb.

  86. His immortal achievement was his “quest of the oracle of the Holy Bottle.

  87. The former gave the responses in the temple of Ammon, and the latter in the oracle of Dodona.

  88. The oracle and priestess of the bottle were both called Bacbuc (Hebrew for “bottle”).

  89. The oracle was ultimately found in Lantern-land.

  90. Aristomĕnês was told by the Delphic oracle to “flee for his life when he saw a goat drink from the river Neda.

  91. After this, Panurge consults many others on the subject, and lastly the oracle of the Holy Bottle.

  92. The Sorbonne was consulted on all occasions, and the decree of a few ignorant divines respected as the oracle of the Deity himself.

  93. The response of the Oracle was ambiguous, yet even out of its ambiguity we may read something.

  94. Agamemnon, having consulted the Delphic Oracle about the result of the Trojan War, received the answer that Troy would be taken when the best men of the Greeks would begin to quarrel.

  95. He speaks of Ulysses having gone to Dodona to consult the sacred oracle "whether he should return to Ithaca openly or secretly, after so long an absence.

  96. This completes his story, introducing the Thesprotians again (as in other tales) and the oracle of Dodona.

  97. This Sir Oracle was two-and-twenty, with the prettiest of girlish photographs in his vest pocket, and the smallest of savings in the bank, but I remembered his words in the days of mourning for Emilio Castelar.

  98. Some of the questions put to the oracle at Dodona have been preserved to us, [Footnote: See Percy Gardner, "New Chapters in Greek History.

  99. The priestess who delivered his oracle at Delphi was possessed and mastered by the god.

  100. I do not understand you,' I said; 'the oracle requires an explanation.

  101. To this end the oracle is duly consulted, either openly or secretly, after the best approved methods.

  102. At fairs, for instance, it is not necessary that the oracle of fortune should speak.

  103. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "oracle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adage; aphorism; apothegm; authority; axiom; byword; catchword; dictate; dictum; doctor; elder; epigram; expression; gnome; guru; intellect; intellectual; mandarin; master; moral; mot; motto; oracle; philosopher; phrase; pontificate; precept; prescript; proclaim; prophecy; prophet; proverb; revelation; sage; sapient; savant; saw; saying; scholar; seer; sentence; sutra; teaching; text; thinker; verse; vision; wisdom; witticism; word