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Example sentences for "circularized"

Lexicographically close words:
circuits; circuitu; circular; circularity; circularize; circularizing; circularly; circulars; circulate; circulated
  1. This is purely a co-operative enterprise, and it is by co-operation that we get the real value of the work.

  2. Several sets of these volumes were then obtained from the publishers, and arrangements made with them for mail orders of these books at certain discounts.

  3. To arrange a course which will best meet the needs of such an aggregation of students is a serious problem.

  4. These articles should appear as news items whenever possible and should be readable.

  5. History of the growth and development of the Harvard university law library," 351.

  6. To express the rapture of the poet is given only to the poet.

  7. If, however, it is thought best by an institution to have a library committee, it should by all means be a committee for the whole institution.

  8. I take great pleasure in introducing to you Mr. M.

  9. These things are the evidence that the diet of public education is not varied enough to nourish all the children of the commonwealth, to awaken the dormant power for SOME THING that lies somewhere in most of humanity.

  10. Klotz said in part: It should be assumed that when one accepts the appointment as library trustee he accepts therewith the duties and responsibilities of such position.

  11. The committee is informed that the commissions will be circularized by the New York authorities for this purpose.

  12. During the past year the principal libraries of England, Scotland and Ireland have been circularized with lists of our publications, and a very gratifying number of orders have been received as a result.

  13. The medical profession is circularized widely by the concern and “write-ups” have appeared in pseudomedical journals.

  14. The medical profession of this country is now being circularized and advertisements are appearing in medical journals.

  15. Physicians are circularized and are offered a petty graft in the form of a cheap nebulizer and a sample bottle of Pineoleum.

  16. At that time it was pointed out that the medical profession of the United States was being widely circularized by Dr.

  17. Soon thereafter certain members of the profession were circularized urging them to purchase shares in the “Cancer Research Laboratory and Hospital,” par value $10.

  18. This had been put into an "exhibit" by Miss Blackwell and her Literature Committee and Miss Gordon urged that clergymen of all denominations should be circularized with it.

  19. The Legislatures themselves were circularized with excellent literature.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "circularized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.