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Example sentences for "clearely"

Lexicographically close words:
clear; clearance; clearances; cleare; cleared; clearer; clearest; cleargie; clearing; clearings
  1. If any more than other clearely wise, Or wisely just, or justly valiant bee; If any doe faint pleasure more dispise or bee more maister of himselfe, its hee.

  2. Of this water the Prophets have clearely spoken, as David in the 36.

  3. Indeede I cannot deny, but must needes confesse that I am in loue, and that very ardently, which I cannot in sutch wyse conceale, but that the blinde must needes clearely and euidently perceyue.

  4. Clearely friendships are to be judged by wits, and ages already strengthened and confirmed.

  5. What are they that haue giuen you occasion thus to Eclipse the bryghtnesse of your name, when it oughte most clearely to shyne, both for theyr present pleasure, and for the honour of your age?

  6. And so with the consent of the Duke and the whole seignory they were clearely discharged.

  7. Alas, alas, by what meanes shall I now renue my playnts, which time and long pacience ought to haue buried and clearely quenched?

  8. How is it that some wits are interrupted, That now they dazeled are, now clearely see?

  9. In that late solary eclipse which happened on Christmas day, when the Moone was just under the Sunne, I plainly discerned that in her which may clearely confirme what the Comets and Sunne spots doe seeme to prove, viz.

  10. Now if the moone and the other Planets can shine so clearely by beating backe the Sunne beames, why may not the earth also shine as well, which agrees with them in the cause of this brightnesse their opacity?

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "clearely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.