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Example sentences for "cleare"

Lexicographically close words:
cleansing; cleanup; clear; clearance; clearances; cleared; clearely; clearer; clearest; cleargie
  1. The Flyes by chance mesht in her hayre, By the bright Radience throwne From her cleare eyes, rich Iewels weare, They so like Diamonds shone.

  2. A Toade swelles with thicke troubled poison, you swell with poisonous perturbations, your mallice hath not a cleare dram of anie inspired disposition.

  3. Heeres a wench (said he) of as cleare a skin as Susanna, shee hath not a wemme on her flesh from the soale of the foote to the crowne of the head: how thinke you master doctor, will shee not serue the turne?

  4. Further they required that they might cleare themselues openly of the offence of Treason, whereof falsly they were accused by Mustapha, his Enimies, and to haue their accuser to be brought forth in open presence.

  5. Thou art my strength; O cleare mee from that net Which priuily my foes for mee haue sett!

  6. The maids white minde had neuer such a staine, No passion troubles her cleare vertues streame.

  7. Thy sight had once an influence divine, Which gaue it power the Soule of man to vew: Wipe and make cleare that dazled eye of thine, and thou shall see his reall markes and true.

  8. It is a cleare hart, you may see through it.

  9. I am thus makinge my bitter playnts, the night is past away, day light approcheth, and the bright shining mornyng begynneth to cleare the earth.

  10. Let Syphax bee cleare and liuely Example to thee, whych coulde neuer finde any stedfast stay vnder the Moone's Globe.

  11. Of these hurtfull and perillous mutations (O noble Pompeius) thy Romane City may be a most cleare glasse and Spectacle, and a multitude of thy noble Citizens in tyme past and present, may geeue plentifull witnesse.

  12. But what meane I to consume tyme and words in declaration of Fortune's vnsteady stay, which is more cleare than the beams of the Sunne, of whom dayly a Thousande thousande examples be manifest: all histories be full of theym.

  13. At last they heard a horne, that shrilled cleare 8 Throughout the wood, that ecchoed againe, And made the forrest ring, as it would riue in twaine.

  14. Here heaped vp with termes of loue vnkind, My conscience cleare with guilty bands would bind?

  15. This place aboundeth with fresh and cleare waters, which with streames fall downe from the high mountaines.

  16. After this the Broker sayth to the Marchant, you haue so much of euery sort of marchandise neat and cleare of euery charge, and so much ready money.

  17. Phaer and Golding for a learned and well corrected verse, specially in translation cleare and very faithfuly answering their authours intent.

  18. By cleare exchaunge of one letter or sillable for another, as to say euermare for euermore, wrang for wrong: gould for gold: fright for fraight and a hundred moe, which be commonly misused and strained to make rime.

  19. I'me guilty of all Three; his soul's as white And cleare from murther as this holy man From killing mee.

  20. For the first it is cleare that with out supernaturall violence it cannot bee moued in any streight motion, that is, vpward downewarde, or toward any side; it cannot bee shoued out of his place.

  21. This night we were in danger of shipwracke vpon an Iland called Sauona, which is enuironed with flats lying 4 or 5 miles off; yet it pleased God to cleare vs of them, [Sidenote: Cape de Tiberon.

  22. This afternoone the winde came about, and wee went our course Southwest and by West, to goe cleare off the coast, wee ranne that night sixteene leagues.

  23. The 13 day wee thought our selues by our reckoning to be cleare off the Cape das Palmas, and ranne 12 leagues.

  24. The coast from Cape de las Palmas to Cape Trepointes, or de Tres Puntas, is faire and cleare without rocke or other danger.

  25. It was a very cleare day, and few took notice of it because it was so near the sunbeams.

  26. In North Wilts the milkmayds sing as shrill and cleare as any swallow sitting on a berne:- "So lowdly she did yerne, Like any swallow sitting on a berne.

  27. Through the length of it there runneth a fine cleare trowt stream; walled with brick on each side, to hinder the earth from mouldring down.

  28. Gallies to withstand them, and the aire neuer so cleare for euery ship to be seene.

  29. Stones wee sawe there as cleare as Christall, naturally squared like Diamonds.

  30. Nay, but my Letters by this meanes being there So soone as you arriue, shall cleare that doubt Flo.

  31. In this interim some of the enemy jumpt over the workes, and so our men broke in upon the rest, who ranne from the out worke into the churche, hoping to cleare the mount which we had gained.

  32. And with it (as he runnes) makes such cleare way As no man dare oppose him to his furie.

  33. And yet through thy cleare arguments I see Thy speach is farre exempt from flatterie; And how illiterate custome groslie erres Almost in all traditions she preferres.

  34. O as cleare as candlelight, by this daylight.

  35. And farre from any judgment it confered For lightnes comes from harts, and not from lookes, And if inchastity possesse the hart; Not painting doth not race it, nor being cleare Doth painting spot it: Omne bonum naturaliter pulchrum.

  36. From the top of the hill ranne a running water as cleare as silver, that watered all the valleyes below, that it seemed like unto a sea inclosed, or a standing floud.

  37. The seas were quiet from winds and tempests: the heaven had chaced away the clouds, and appeared faire and cleare with his proper light.

  38. Soone after, the darknes chased away, and the cleare and golden sunne arose, when as behold I saw the streets replenished with people going in a religious sort and in great triumph.

  39. This is that cleare and perfect light, which sweetly and with our vnconstrained willes draweth our dimme sighted eies to contemplate and behold the same.

  40. With two large and long teeth, of puer white stone, and cleare appact, and fastned.

  41. And what faire heauen shal shew so cleare a light?

  42. And the opposite of verie blacke stone, scorning and contemning the hardnes of iron, and cleare and shining as a mirror.

  43. The mouth of the arches were stopped with rombyes of cleare glasse in forme of a tryangle, and the pypes beautified all ouer with an Encaustick painting, verie gratious to the sight of the beholder.

  44. By her smal teates (like a yong maids) in her round brests did sprowt out smal streamings of pure and cleare fresh water from the right brest as it had been a threed, but from the left brest most vehemently.

  45. In which cleare water, grew the purple flowering sonne of the Nymph Liriope, looking vp from his tender stringes and leaues.

  46. For the cleare water and not sulphurous, but sweete and temperatelye hotte, not like a Hotte-house or Stew, but naturally cleansing it selfe beyond all credet, there was no meanes to hinder the obiect from the sight of the eye.

  47. And marke and beholde (Poliphilus) howe cleare and bright the ayre is in the entrance, ouer that it is in the center, about the which is thicke darknesse.

  48. As touching this my treatise concerning Spirits, and straunge wonders, I haue deuided it into three partes for the more cleare vnderstanding therof.

  49. And that on the other side, good spirits doo appeare vnder the shape of a doue, a man, a lambe, or in the brightnesse, and cleare light of the Sunne.

  50. The cleare light of Gods word driueth away all such spirits, which vse to worke their feates in the darke.

  51. With their crownes full cleare all of pure goulde!

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cleare" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cleared away; cleared land; clearer light