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Example sentences for "closer examination"

  • The description contains features so characteristic, that we must necessarily submit it to a closer examination.

  • But let us submit these objections to a closer examination.

  • This close of the prophecy, which for our purpose is of special consequence, we must still submit to a closer examination.

  • We must here enter into a closer examination of the significations of this word.

  • But on a closer examination, there appears to be a difference betwixt these two events, and one which brings the latter far more within the scope of the prophecy.

  • But, upon a closer examination, this view also proves untenable.

  • But, upon a closer examination, this interpretation appears to be objectionable, for the following reasons.

  • On a closer examination of the locality, this well appeared to be of great value to the inhabitants.

  • But, as this interpretation nearly affects an important point in the history of St Paul’s dealings with the Colossians, it is necessary to subject it to a closer examination.

  • On closer examination we find ourselves compelled to adopt the latter alternative.

  • On the other hand a closer examination of its language shows that these Judaic features do not exhaust the portraiture of the heresy or heresies against which the epistle is directed.

  • But this uncertainty vanishes on closer examination.

  • A closer examination, however, shews that in none of the great confessions does religion live in dogma, as of old.

  • This proposition seems not to have sufficient scope, but on closer examination seems to fit all cases.

  • We frequently base our constructions upon the remarkable and convincing unanimity of such witnesses when upon

    closer examination we might discover that this unanimity has a single source.

  • They assent vigorously that they have grasped, touched, counted or examined something, and on closer examination it is demonstrated that it was only a passing glance they threw on it.

  • A closer examination of reflex action requires consideration of certain properties, which in themselves cannot easily have criminal significance, but which tend to make that significance clearer.

  • Closer examination of the earlier portion of “Chapter” Second.

  • A closer examination of the whole Second “Chapter” of the Dialogo fully substantiates this conclusion, and brings out other interesting points.

  • We shall occupy ourselves with a closer examination of the different laws which we can discover in these two groups of the phenomena of variation.

  • At present we must occupy ourselves with Propagation, or Tocogony, a closer examination of which is of the utmost importance for understanding transmission by inheritance.

  • In a closer examination of this definition of species given by Cuvier, it becomes at once evident that it is neither theoretically satisfactory nor practically applicable.

  • A closer examination of these ideas is forced upon us here, because in Kant we honour one of the few philosophers who combine a solid scientific culture with an extraordinary clearness and profundity of speculation.

  • We could discover where it narrowed and its banks rose, but, as we intended to make a closer examination before we left the neighbourhood, we continued our journey down the principal channel.

  • On a closer examination, the river appeared to me much below its ordinary level, and its current was scarcely perceptible.

  • But we had to leave a closer examination of this part till later.

  • These musical performances attracted a number of inquisitive visitors, who were anxious to submit the members of the chorus to a closer examination, and therefore, at certain times, the public were admitted to see the animals.

  • On a closer examination, I found that this was due to the number of dark objects the place contained.

  • On a closer examination I discovered the frost-bite.

  • On a closer examination each of these two divisions may again be divided into two sub-groups.

  • In doing this you will doubtless at first fall into many errors; but these, practice and a closer examination will in time enable you to rectify.

  • But even this assumption, on a closer examination, appears extremely questionable.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "closer examination" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cash crops; closer examination; closer inspection; closer union; early spring; especially common; fancy ball; green peppers; hour ahead; international boundaries; isthmian canal; laid aside; literary taste; little town; mercurial ointment; modern critics; never does; never left; other castes; skin tough; small island; steam turbine; take station; well here