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Example sentences for "cocci"

Lexicographically close words:
cobwebby; cobwebs; coca; cocain; cocaine; coccinea; cocculus; coccus; coccygeal; coccyx
  1. Anthrax spores are killed in 2 minutes in boiling water, and the various bacilli and cocci in from 2 to 5 seconds.

  2. A coccus; a genus of schizomycetes in which the cocci are irregularly clustered like a bunch of grapes.

  3. A genus of schizomycetes in which the cocci are arranged in strings or in chains.

  4. Hence the subdivisions of the cocci are dependent not upon the individual elements so much as upon the relation of those elements to each other.

  5. Nearly all the cocci are non-motile, though Brownian movement may readily be observed.

  6. They multiply by direct division of the individual elements, and in old cultures it has been observed that the cocci vary in form and size.

  7. Note in the Gram preparation, the Gram negative character of certain individual cocci in each film prepared from the three days' growth--such cocci are dead.

  8. Cocci exhibit this movement, but with the exception of the Micrococcus agilis, the cocci are non-motile.

  9. Impoverished state of blood, the result of kidney diseases or of local friction or contusions, with the entrance of pus cocci through the damaged skin or through a hair follicle or a sebaceous gland.

  10. In alcoholic or other debilitated patients, suppuration is liable to ensue in bruised parts, infection taking place from cocci circulating in the blood, or through the overlying skin.

  11. Pus due to ordinary pyogenic cocci has a mawkish odour; when putrefactive organisms are present it has a putrid odour; when it forms in the vicinity of the intestinal canal it usually contains the bacillus coli communis and has a fæcal odour.

  12. Sometimes numbers of cocci are carried for a considerable distance from the primary area before they are arrested in the lymphatics, and thus several patches of inflammation may appear with healthy areas between.

  13. When the cocci gain access to the joint, the lesion assumes the characters of a purulent arthritis, which, from its frequency during the earlier years of life, has been called the acute arthritis of infants.

  14. The occurrence of a number or a succession of boils is due to spread of the infection, the cocci from the original boil obtaining access to adjacent hair follicles.

  15. Note that the individual cocci are flattened on the apposing sides.

  16. Very rarely all the cocci divide evenly and the result is a regular rectangular flat mass of cells, the total number of which is a multiple of four.

  17. Assuming these to be cocci of 1 mu diameter the volume of these bacteria in a liter is only 0.

  18. Most cocci divide into hemispheres and then each half grows to full size.

  19. When the grouping is in diplococci, the individual cocci most commonly appear as hemispheres with the plane surfaces apposed (Fig.

  20. When cocci are growing together, many of the cells do not appear as true spheres but are more or less distorted from pressure of their neighbors or from failure to grow to full size after recent division.

  21. Cocci show their characteristic groupings only when grown in a liquid medium, and such should always be used before deciding on the plane of division.

  22. The cocci may occur in groups of two--diplococcus grouping (Fig.

  23. A few cocci elongate before division and then appear oval or elliptical.

  24. The four cocci which result from a single division may remain together, giving the tetracoccus or tetrad grouping.

  25. The typhoid and cholera organisms die in a few hours when dried, while pus cocci and tubercle bacilli live much longer.

  26. They are coffee-bean-shaped cocci which lie in pairs with their flat surfaces together (Fig.

  27. A Gram-positive stool due to cocci is suggestive of intestinal ulceration.

  28. Many of the bacilli form endospores but the cocci do not.

  29. Nearly all cocci are immotile, while the bacilli may or may not be.

  30. Of the nine species of bacilli and cocci found in mature Emmenthaler, eight of them were also present in ripened Hauskäse.

  31. Others have reported similar results in which cocci have been found[16] very similar to those occurring in the udder.

  32. Whether this explanation answers the origin of the cocci that are so generally found in the upper portion of the udder is questionable.

  33. Thus, gall insects and cocci are kept in just the same way as aphides; but MacCook observed that where aphides and cocci are kept by the same ants, they are kept in separate chambers, or stalls.

  34. Some other insects besides the Cocci afford dyes.

  35. Egg-shaped mass of zoogloea of Beggiatoa roseo-persicina (Bacterium rubescens of Lankester); the gelatinous swollen walls of the large crowded cocci are fused into a common gelatinous envelope.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cocci" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.