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Example sentences for "collator"

Lexicographically close words:
collaterals; collates; collating; collation; collations; collators; colleague; colleagues; collect; collectable
  1. All this is done with so much minuteness that it would be possible for the collator to reproduce the original manuscript in every respect save in the shape of the letters and the appearance of the parchment or paper.

  2. Every cold empirick, when his heart is expanded by a successful experiment, swells into a theorist, and the laborious collator at some unlucky moment frolicks in conjecture.

  3. The duty of a collator is indeed dull, yet, like other tedious tasks, is very necessary; but an emendatory critick would ill discharge his duty, without qualities very different from dulness.

  4. As a collator his merits were not high; nearly all his sixteen codices have required and obtained fresh examination from those who came after him(210).

  5. This is all the more lamentable, inasmuch as Bentley was not accurate enough as a collator to make it unnecessary to follow him over the same ground.

  6. As a collator of manuscripts the list subjoined will bear full testimony to his industry: without seeking to repeat details we have entered into before under the Cursive MSS.

  7. He carried them over to the collator and merged them into the proper file.

  8. Johnny McCord left the collator he'd been working with, went around behind his desk and sat down.

  9. In his own cathedral, his metropolitan chapter was, like himself, a collator of benefice; elsewhere, other chapters were so likewise and knew how to maintain their rights against his supremacy.

  10. The duty of a collator is indeed dull, yet, like other tedious tasks, is very necessary; but an emendatory critick would ill discharge his duty, without qualities very different from dullness.

  11. Every cold empirick, when his heart is expanded by a successful experiment, swells into a theorist, and the laborious collator some unlucky moment frolicks in conjecture.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "collator" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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