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Example sentences for "carried them"

  • Thence taking up Harman and his wife, carried them to Anthony Joyce's, where we had my venison in a pasty well done; but, Lord!

  • Then he carried them in to her and set them before her, saying, "Bismillah, favour us by tasting the best of the food at our command.

  • We carried them forward, stowed them away in the forecastle, refusing to have them cooked, and ate them raw, with our beef and bread.

  • Whereupon the porter wept; then taking up his baggage, he carried them to the ship and abade him adieu.

  • The eunuch went forth at once and breaking into the house, found Jamilah bound with her own hair and nigh upon death; so he loosed her and taking the painter, carried them both to the Caliph, who marvelled at Jamilah's beauty.

  • About the same time the son of the inventor, Mr. Benjamin Douglass Perkins, carried them to London, where they soon attracted attention.

  • Mistress Kitty Fagan, who had kept her ears pretty wide open, carried them.

  • So I got a coach, and a humour took us, and I carried them to Hercules Pillars, and there did give them a kind of a supper of about 7s.

  • I carried them both to my house, and delivered them to my wife, who was of the same opinion with me.

  • The minister took them himself, carried them to the kitchen, and shutting himself up with the cook, she gutted them, and put them on the fire, as she had done the four others the day before.

  • He led captivity captive, that is, carried them prisoners, whose prisoners we were: He rode to heaven in triumph, having in chains the foes of believers.

  • As a usual thing, he carried them to the League meetings, and nothing was more natural than that the negroes should begin drilling at night.

  • Governor Smith, as later developments showed, had become careless with his bond indorsement and kept no records, or else destroyed them or carried them away.

  • There were signs of premeditated delay on the part of some of the civil authorities, so the Ku Klux came and took the Canadian and four negroes from the officers, carried them to a lonely spot, and hanged some and shot the rest.

  • Then she took four gowns and carried them to the dyer, who dyed them each of a different colour; after which she applied herself to making ready meat and drink; fruits, flowers and perfumes.

  • So Sálim kissed his hand and going forth, sat at the gate of the little mosque till after sundown, when the Captain and his men came up to him, and he carried them to the house.

  • So they betook themselves to the Wady in question, where they found Gharib and Sahim asleep, and, snatching them up, carried them to King Mura'ash.

  • This would take the swimmers in an easterly direction; but it mattered not what direction so long as it carried them out of the lagoon.

  • The current, however, was just perceptible; and though it carried them along, it could not be counted on for any great speed.

  • After this the King took the three maidens and their mother and carried them to his Palace where he set apart for them an apartment and he appointed for them what sufficed of appointments.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "carried them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    better not; carried about; carried away; carried down; carried forward; carried off; carried out; carried them; conscious personality; fall down; green turf; having caused; her desk; himself says; human brotherhood; idea what; multiparty system; never meant; other ranks; out with; report made; saved from; supplied from; this arrangement; thou doest; win the