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Example sentences for "complaint against"

  • The negroes made a complaint against Mr. C.

  • The last case was a complaint against a man for not keeping up good fires under the boilers.

  • The next case was a complaint against an apprentice, for leaving his place in the boiling house without asking permission.

  • The third case was a complaint against a boy for taking every alternate Friday and Saturday, instead of every Saturday, for allowance.

  • Colbert discovered some cause of complaint against me; Belle-Isle, for instance.

  • If I only had but some real cause of complaint against her, I should be happy, and should be able to forgive her.

  • Porthos drew himself up as he answered: "There is no question at all of what I should have done, young man; you have now been made acquainted with the three causes of complaint against you, I believe?

  • He knew he was a secret foe, always on the watch for any cause of complaint against him; and he could often feel that it would take very little to stir up the old jealous strife and hostility.

  • It would set my mind at rest to know that there was no cause of complaint against him.

  • Notwithstanding, I will leave you no cause of complaint against me; and will convince you that I have done every thing I ought.

  • Did it not revolt at the idea of having a cause of complaint against me?

  • When I have cause of complaint against a person, I do not ridicule, I do better; I take revenge.

  • I am conscious he has no subject of complaint against me; but I have much to complain of him.

  • Corraro, the Venetian ambassador at Paris, Grotius's complaint against him, 184 How the affair was made up, ibid.

  • It was the adventurer Cerisante who brought Grotius Queen Christina's letters, ordering him to lay before the Queen of France Sweden's grounds of complaint against Denmark.

  • I added my excuses for Kamrasi, and laid a complaint against Mtesa's officers for having defrauded us out of ten cows, five goats, six butter, and sixty mbugu.

  • He was all for going to the Governor to-day and making a complaint against you.

  • That inn- keeper has gone and made a complaint against me.

  • I'll make a complaint against you to him himself.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "complaint against" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being haunted; beseech thee; collective security; complaint against; craft gilds; double quick; drew himself; for his hard heart; fresh impetus; good crops; greater speed; made clothing; pale rose; rather would; setting fire; settle the; simply couldn; solar light; spiritual sense; utterly impossible; while sitting; woman suffrage