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Example sentences for "keeper"

Lexicographically close words:
keenness; keens; keep; keepe; keeped; keepers; keepership; keepes; keepest; keepeth
  1. Hannah was informed by her of each of the young man's visits, and as often as Mary mentioned Antinous the deaconess seemed anxious and desired her to threaten to call the gate-keeper to him.

  2. Compassion took flight, and Yuki Chan, clutching anew, went swiftly down the path that led to the street, with a watchful eye on the lodge of the keeper of the gate.

  3. The keeper was very old, and very cross, and lately had acquired a curious idea that little girls must ask his honorable permission to go in and out the gate.

  4. She might be turned into a lizard or a snake, just as the old lodge-keeper had said.

  5. The keeper of a coffee shop which was frequented by mechanics and where the pump water was supplied at dinner time, informed us on the 6th of September that she was already aware of nine of her customers who were dead.

  6. The price of a bath was a quadrant, the smallest piece of coined money from the age of Cicero downward, which was paid to the keeper of the bath.

  7. Within the court the keeper of the baths who exacted the fee paid by each visitor, was also stationed, and accordingly in it was found the box for holding the money.

  8. I did not leave the handsome inn-keeper without losing a part of my heart.

  9. As I was revolving such thoughts, the gate-keeper comes in with a sorrowful countenance.

  10. But we were at last compelled by prudence to separate, and when I returned to my room I saw with great pleasure that the keeper was fast asleep.

  11. Suddenly I feel two hands upon my shoulders, and the voice of the keeper exclaims, "What are you about?

  12. I owed fifteen paoli to the inn-keeper and four to the surgeon.

  13. I enquire of the inn-keeper what it all means.

  14. In the morning I told the inn-keeper that I would return for my dinner, and I went out to visit the royal palace.

  15. The seals were already affixed on all the doors, and I was not even allowed to go to my room, for a keeper had been left there by the bailiff.

  16. An elderly priest, who was one of the guests, tried to justify the conduct of the bishop by assuring us that the inn-keeper and the 'sbirri' had acted only under the orders of the Holy Office.

  17. Luckily the keeper was absent, and availing myself of the opportunity, I succeeded in dragging out carefully the four large nails which fastened the plank.

  18. The day passed off very pleasantly with the good priest, and at night, the house-keeper no longer fearing detection, and I having on my side taken every precaution necessary in the state in which I was, we passed two most delicious hours.

  19. Ghita Caraccioli, Eccellenza; the sister's daughter of this honest tower-keeper of the prince.

  20. Gatineau the miller, and Baby the keeper of the bridge, gave their own reasons for the renewed progress of the Lavilettes.

  21. Of the little buildings bunched beside the church, not the least important was the post-office, kept by Papin Baby, who was also keeper of the bridge which was almost at the door of the office.

  22. The fourth column has the longitude of each place, according to the Greenwich rate; that is, calculated on a supposition that the time-keeper had not varied its rate from the time it left Greenwich.

  23. Having received orders the next day to go to Bolcheretsk, the time-keeper was left in the care of Mr Bayley, to compare it with his watch and clock, in order to get its rate.

  24. When he gets into the rest-house, the rest-house keeper knows that a gentleman is coming.

  25. When a gentleman is going from one planting district to another, a box cooly or a horse-keeper (groom) runs in front to a certain place, by order of his master.

  26. He was conscience-keeper to the whole town; and it is astonishing how many persons hardly dared to make a will or subscribe to a charity without his advice.

  27. When the prophets appeared at the gate empty handed, the keeper as a matter of course refused them admittance.

  28. Soon after Longsword's death King Louis appeared in Rouen at the head of a body of troops, and demanded that he should be considered the guardian and keeper of young Richard during his minority.

  29. Once they blocked up the [Pg127] gateway of a town, and the keeper fell upon the pilgrim Duke, ignorantly, and gave him a good thrashing to make him hurry on with his idle crowd.

  30. The keeper also should not disturb the young but should keep away from them as much as possible.

  31. One thing is important and that is, get the animals accustomed to their keeper as soon as possible.

  32. Seventeen counties permit the owner and keeper of an inclosed game preserve, who raises deer for use or sale, to kill, sell, or use those raised or kept in said inclosure.

  33. The keeper kindly escorted them up the fifty-six steps to the top, where they learned that the point of the light was one hundred and sixty-five feet above the level of the sea.

  34. He has talked of the flageolet more than once, and has, at different times, made eulogiums upon the watchfulness and ferocity of his dogs, and the regularity with which the keeper makes his rounds with a loaded fowling-piece.

  35. When his feet had been thus secured, the keeper removed his handcuffs and left his person at liberty in other respects.

  36. Mac-Guffog, the officer by whom Bertram had at first been apprehended, and who was now in attendance upon him, was keeper of this palace of little-ease.

  37. He insisted, however, upon seeing him, and charged the keeper of the prison at his peril to deliver him up till he had been carried before a magistrate.

  38. Manuel also told me of Louis's visit; and the inn-keeper described a young workman who was there at the same time, whom I at once recognized as Raoul.

  39. The wretched man obeyed, and his keeper took a seat beside him.

  40. He tottered as he left the judge's office, so that the keeper was forced to support him.

  41. He was educated at the Ecole des Chartes, and became successively keeper of the archives of the department of Haute-Marne and of the imperial archives at Paris under the empire.

  42. This from the conquering and bold Defiance to be levied four shillings per loom"--and obtained a summons for the keeper of the Dolphin, which that person disobeyed.

  43. My aunt whispered me, she never saw such a set of slovenly unmannerly Footmen sent to keep places in her life; when, to her greater surprize, she saw those fellows at the end of the act pay the box-keeper for their places.

  44. The Lottery-office-keeper attracts a crowd by numbers of tickets and shares disposed for sale, and always places a paper memento at the elbow, of "No.

  45. The box book-keeper was afterwards placed on the stand, who swore that I had ordered him to sell one-fifth less tickets than the manager had stated the house would hold.

  46. The bar-keeper thought, with reason, that an eminent Italian tenor like Campanini must know good vermuth from bad, and at once bought from Angelo a case or two of the true vermuth di Torino.

  47. I had driven my flock to the run this morning, when who should I see coming towards me but old Bill the hut-keeper who had a spear in his side and another in his back.

  48. Old Bob, his hut-keeper and factotum, dropped behind to drive on the baggage-horse at a greater speed than Toby was inclined to move.

  49. One only knows where they have been when the cattle are found speared, or the hut-keeper murdered, or the sheep driven off.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "keeper" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.