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Example sentences for "completer"

Lexicographically close words:
complete; completed; completely; completement; completeness; completes; completest; completing; completion; complex
  1. The Revolution was evidently gaining completer hold over his mind and was somewhat blurring his insular sentiments, when a rebuff from Paoli further weakened his ties to Corsica.

  2. The wealth of Hamburg was systematically extorted in order to furnish means for a completer subjection.

  3. You couldn't give a completer description of me!

  4. For, as day took completer possession of the heavens, it became evident that life, of a leisurely, intermittent sort, flourished even upon this highway to the other end of nowhere.

  5. The Color Tree] (33) For this reason the COLOR TREE is a completer model than the sphere, although the simplicity of the latter makes it best for a child’s comprehension.

  6. My twirling color solid and its completer development in the present model have always made prominent the artistic feeling for color value.

  7. It was hard explaining how all our desires lay towards the completer and completer affirming of the individual, that we in Anglo-Saxon countries felt that the family was dead as a social unit, that new cohesions were in the making.

  8. Bêl, am I, the completer of plenty and abundance, the fulfiller of every purpose.

  9. Be this as it may, the poetic cast of his mind is revealed in his prose with greater freedom and a completer charm than in his verse.

  10. The result of a completer perusal of his writings is not merely destructive of this hope.

  11. It may be said that this results generally from a hasty and superficial consideration of expediency; and that the discrepancy would disappear after a deeper and completer examination of the consequences of actions.

  12. Offering and praise to that Lord, the completer of good works, who made men greater than all earthly beings, and through the gift of speech created them to rule the creatures, as warriors against the Daêvas.

  13. In the near future it is possible that Science will by closer inquiry and by completer records be found once more in harmony with Scripture.

  14. There is no better or completer anthology in the language.

  15. And nothing could have given her a completer sense of his achievement--of the number of millions he must be worth.

  16. The former were planned to fulfill a much completer responsibility than the one which they actually possessed.

  17. What the better American individual particularly needs, then, is a completer faith in his own individual purpose and power--a clearer understanding of his own individual opportunities.

  18. Just in so far as the combination of capital continues to be economically necessary, it is bound to be accompanied by the completer unionizing of labor.

  19. No such reform can be permanent, or even healthy, until American public opinion has been converted to a completer realization of the nature and extent of its national responsibilities.

  20. Such a result would be successful only in so far as the unions were in full possession of the field; but if the unions secure full possession even of part of the field, the tendency will be towards an ever completer monopoly.

  21. But just in so far as the work of social and individual amelioration advances, the condition will be gradually created necessary to completer mutual confidence between the few exceptional leaders and the many "plain people.

  22. The completer the co-operation the greater the vitality; the more imperfect the co-operation the less the vitality.

  23. Precursory emergence into completer personality; ecstasy with perception of spiritual world.

  24. The irony would have been completer if the swift changes of politics had not delayed his election.

  25. I have never seen a quicker or completer conquest.

  26. In Rochdale parish churchyard, it appears in a much completer form on the gravestone of a blacksmith, who lived in Tim's time.

  27. But I must leave the matter to those who have better and completer evidence than this.

  28. The latter, on the other hand, is more formal, that is, it is completer in the structure of its system.

  29. The public services of the coming civilization will demand, and will develop, a far completer discipline and tradition of honour.

  30. So much has already been said of this memorable session that it would utterly exhaust the patience of readers to give any completer sketch of Mr. Gallatin's activity in legislation on other subjects.

  31. Henri de Balzac, even in his more sanguinary imaginings, never showed a completer mastery of the horrible.

  32. Towards such a completer realization we have been working in these papers, in disentangling the share of inheritance and of deliberate schooling and training, in the production of the civilized man.

  33. We see then that Matter in the Aristotelian sense must not be confounded with body; the relatively undetermined factor which receives completer determination by the structural law or Form is Matter, whether it is corporeal or not.

  34. To those who know how detached the British Admiralty is at the present time from the general methods of British political life, there will be nothing strange in this idea of its completer detachment.

  35. Germany has led the way from a system of individuals and voluntary associations in competition towards a new order of things, a completer synthesis.

  36. The US terminated bilateral assistance to Niger after the coup of 1996.

  37. Of the history of Judah under the Persian kings, for example, there must once have been completer records than the dubious scraps we have in Ezra.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "completer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.