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Example sentences for "compunctious"

Lexicographically close words:
compulsive; compulsorily; compulsory; compunction; compunctions; compurgation; compurgators; computation; computational; computations
  1. I felt compunctious for having suspected him of coldness, and asked him forgiveness for having ever doubted his friendship.

  2. I will endeavor to acquit myself in such manner, that when I revisit her grave there may, at least, be no compunctious bitterness in my tears.

  3. The unacknowledged yearnings of nature, excited by his resemblance to his father, made him wish to save his life, while the compunctious visitings of mercy were again repressed by terror for his own.

  4. Stop up th' access and passage to remorse; That no compunctious visitings of nature Shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between Th' effect and it!

  5. She was rather compunctious the moment she had said it.

  6. Recollecting what his own method of bringing her round had been, his conscience gives him a compunctious stab.

  7. Old Death seemed to recoil from this averment as from a hideous spectre suddenly starting up before him; for, in spite of his confirmed wickedness, the present topic had awakened painful reminiscences and compunctious feelings within him.

  8. When my lady was gone, Bessie grieved and vexed herself with compunctious thoughts.

  9. Mr. Fairfax and Mr. Cecil Burleigh instantly discovered that it was time they were gone into the town, and with one compunctious glance at Bessie, of which she did not yet know the meaning, they vanished.

  10. The sense is, that no compunctious visitings of nature may prevail upon her, to give place in her mind to peaceful thoughts, or to rest one moment in quiet, from the hour of her purpose to its full completion in the effect.

  11. Arrived at Myrtle Street, it was found that the house was still open, and the girls bade the elder couple an effusively affectionate and compunctious good-night.

  12. Burke became haunted as time went on and flew to drink to banish horror, but Hare would seem to have been free from such "compunctious visitings of Nature.

  13. This is the highest flight of imagination of which Jim has ever known his matter-of-fact Amelia guilty, and he can pay her his thanks for it only in compunctious kisses.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compunctious" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apologetic; penitent; penitential; remorseful; repentant; sorry