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Example sentences for "compunctions"

Lexicographically close words:
compulsions; compulsive; compulsorily; compulsory; compunction; compunctious; compurgation; compurgators; computation; computational
  1. Iss, prudent man, kept the secret of his flight from even his wife, and satisfied his marital compunctions by chucking her under the chin and calling her "honey" once or twice while she got supper for him.

  2. But there is no recorded evidence forthcoming that Paul ever had any compunctions of conscience about persecuting the Christians.

  3. Marjory Falconer was by no means so rude and unfeminine as she gave herself credit for being, and had bitter compunctions of outraged delicacy sometimes, after those masculine speeches, which revenged her womanhood completely.

  4. The compunctions of humanity passed over his seared and unfeeling conscience, with no more effect than when the waves surge over the huge rocks which form the bed of the deepest ocean.

  5. But whoever might cavil at the building because of its infamous notoriety of the past, Mrs. Thorpe had no compunctions and no fears.

  6. He thought it very probable that Max did not know that Geraldine was a dowerless girl, absolutely dependent, and he had no compunctions that the fact had been well guarded.

  7. No one will have any compunctions about putting her in a pen and fattening her for bacon.

  8. Making my observations in this way I have no compunctions about explaining the state of mind of the blackbird as I did, and I defy any scientist in the lot to prove that I am wrong.

  9. He told me the man was so thoroughly bad, that all compunctions would be thrown away on him; and at last I consented.

  10. He sauntered on unsuspiciously, never dreaming he was sealing his own fate, Val Blake had no compunctions about entrapping him.

  11. When he left her so abruptly she again experienced the compunctions she had felt before.

  12. Mr. Vosburgh smiled and said, "You have evidently lost all compunctions in regard to your treatment of the young fellow.

  13. He had no compunctions about using these weapons, much as a strong man might use a club.

  14. Colfax had no compunctions in adjusting his companionship to suit his moods.

  15. While uneasily awaiting their arrival his compunctions again tormented him.

  16. The presence of this woman in his home was the cause of many compunctions and alarms.

  17. I will not conceal from you, monsieur," began the baron, "that I have been led here by certain compunctions of conscience.

  18. Such compunctions have ever manifested themselves in varying degrees of ardor through different groups in the same community.

  19. But these liquor smugglers are unscrupulous, and if they feared the airplane was being used against them, they would have no compunctions about burning it.

  20. It is one law that many people feel no compunctions at violating.

  21. And, responding to that tenderness of tone, sharp compunctions pricked her.

  22. Mrs. Merriam was probably feeling the compunctions mothers often feel after they have scolded.

  23. Supposin' I was a Greek without morals or no compunctions or nothin', that's what I'd do!

  24. Coutlass (and he had no compunctions of any kind--particularly none about women, and calling names.

  25. He had been a Protestant, but, for some unworthy motives, became a Papist, and was visited with the most awful compunctions of conscience.

  26. Oddly enough, Will's scanty courtesy roused more compunctions in her mind than anything else had done.

  27. It was not the first time that she had heard compunctions expressed for the irregular marriage, which certainly was not her fault.

  28. The tormenting compunctions of the past months were gone.

  29. Without compunctions I exchanged weapons with one of the dead men at my feet, and continued the work, shouting aloud in vengeful joy when I saw an enemy fall by my hand.

  30. As a rule, the mountain people have no compunctions about drinking, their ideas on this, as on other matters of conduct, being those current everywhere in the eighteenth century.

  31. Arthur and I were grateful that neither of us had to do it, for the driver of the mail stage, who had some compunctions of conscience, I think, volunteered to save us the painful duty.

  32. Again and again I have regretted that I did not take the chance and push on, but at the time I decided as I thought I ought to decide, and one has no real compunctions when that is the case.

  33. All those inner compunctions that haunt a just and scrupulous nature came freely into play.

  34. Soldiers have never, in any age of the world, any thing to do with compunctions of conscience in respect to the work which their commanders give them to perform.

  35. Perhaps he may have had some compunctions of conscience, too, at thus wantonly disturbing the peace and invading the territories of an innocent neighbor, and his mind may have been the less at ease on that account.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "compunctions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.