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Example sentences for "conferreth"

Lexicographically close words:
conferme; confermed; conferment; conferre; conferred; conferring; confers; conferva; confervae; confervoid
  1. There also in the Ganga is the tirtha famed over the three worlds, called Ramaprapatana, which conferreth the merit of ten horse-sacrifices, O son of the Kuru race!

  2. And he conferreth benefit and protection to the righteous; but to that tortuous person who by craft attempts to do him mischief, Dhananjaya is like unto virulent poison, albeit that one were Sakra himself.

  3. If he is entertained with food, Indra himself conferreth on the best merit that is inexhaustible.

  4. Then only is the order of the world secured, when the king duly punisheth and conferreth favours.

  5. There also in the Ganga is the tirtha famed over the three worlds, called Ramaprapatana, which conferreth the merit of ten horse-sacrifices.

  6. Nay, by My life, it conferreth on Me glory.

  7. It conferreth the gift of everlasting life.

  8. This is the food that conferreth everlasting life upon the pure in heart and the illumined in spirit.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conferreth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.