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Example sentences for "consait"

Lexicographically close words:
conquete; conquista; conquistadores; conquistadors; cons; consaited; consanguine; consanguineal; consanguineous; consanguinity
  1. Not a word on't; it's all my own consait about the matter.

  2. Dan'el it is not--nor is it any one that I can consait on, about the Hut.

  3. Within my mynd ymagynyt I on raw Swa suld betyde, and weil belevit I Thou was tocum, and the tyme by and by I calculit and comptit quhen that suld be; And my consait hes nocht dissauyt me.

  4. Bot I, the spous of the gret Jupiter, Quhilk sa onhappy al ways I mycht fynd Thame til ennoy consait lest nocht behynd, Quhilk hes myself in propir person eik 15 Turnyt and writhit all wentis I couth seik, Am now venquist be a man, this Ene.

  5. And schortly, all durst ymagyn or compas 15 Mastirfull wrang, myscheif, or wykkytnes, Or ony sik consait brocht to effek, Heir evyrmar the charge lyis on thar nek.

  6. So hail and feir mot salf me Jupiter, And bryng me sownd agane with victory, 15 As euer ȝit sic consait of the had I.

  7. Your fals consait boith duke and draik sore dreidis I marvell, suithlie[151], ye be nocht eschamit For your defaltis, beyng so defamit.

  8. Be jabers, himself has the great consait of it, at all ivents," said Peter.

  9. Be the same token I must be leggin' it, or they'll consait I'm lost at our place.

  10. The more i think ov it, the more i keep thinking that falt-finding iz verry much like bobing for eels with a raw potater; a fust rate wa tew git out ov consait ov awl kinds ov fishing, and a fust rate wa not tew ketch enny eels.

  11. I consait thare is this difference between bashfullness, and modesta, the one soon wares oph, the other never dus.

  12. Cutler and I had been talking horse when he came in; a sort of talk I rather like myself, for I consait I know a considerable some about it, and ain't above getting a wrinkle from others when I can.

  13. There are different kinds of gaits, and they are curious to observe; for I consait sometimes I can read a man's character in his walk.

  14. I have had hopes that Judith might consait the idee of giving Killdeer to me.

  15. This I know; all my people consait that fact, and what all the pale-faces consait, is very likely to be true.

  16. I intend to take the consait out of these chaps, and that's a fact.

  17. Sais I, 'Friend, you've taken the consait out of me properly.

  18. I consait he'll rise considerable airly in the mornin', afore he catches me asleep agin.

  19. Well, the plum trees had the same disease a few years ago, and they all died, and the cherry trees I consait will go for it too.

  20. Wan day I tuk a consait as 'twud be a game to take away the scarecrow's eye an' see what happen'd.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consait" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.