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Example sentences for "cons"

Lexicographically close words:
conquestum; conquete; conquista; conquistadores; conquistadors; consait; consaited; consanguine; consanguineal; consanguineous
  1. All I have done is to select from the Pros and Cons that present themselves to my mind.

  2. He calculated the pros and cons of the situation.

  3. The pitiful words helped to dispel the cloud which had befogged his wits, and he began to weigh the pros and cons of the forlornest of forlorn hopes.

  4. Nina seemed to be weighing the pros and cons of the matter with much care.

  5. The powerful pamphlet that he has written, published and circulated at his own expense, entitled "Pros and Cons of the Plumage Bill," is a splendid effort.

  6. The pros and cons of the two alternatives flashed through his mind in a brief instant.

  7. Twenty-six approaches to therapy are discussed and evaluated in this book, so keeping your judgments of their pros and cons clearly in mind can be challenging.

  8. A separate chapter discusses pros and cons of the sometimes frightening alternative of hospitalization.

  9. From about the middle of the fourth century CONS began to be placed before instead of after the names, and this usage became the prevalent custom in the fifth and sixth.

  10. I have always been irresolute, but I cannot remember ever weighing anything so carefully as I did the pros and cons of this ridiculously small matter.

  11. For a variation of the theme, see Cons Marc 1 6 'illud ipsum naturale remedium temporis, quod maximas quoque aerumnas componit, in te una uim suam perdidit'.

  12. By giving the cons a hostage that's worth more to them.

  13. If the cons get out into the yard now, you won't be able to tangle them.

  14. The cons wouldn't hold still under attack from the GIs.

  15. But the declassed cons of the Jug were the dregs of every class; and once they spread, the neat compartmentation of society was pierced.

  16. The cons from the Greensleeves were back in their cells.

  17. The cons had taken over three more blocks.

  18. Increased knowledge and accuracy of method have as yet only left the way open to the most widely divergent suppositions.

  19. The duchy of Anjou then passed to his cousin Rene, second son of Louis II.

  20. Forsyth, both of whom were now accustomed to meet in his little study every evening, discussed the pros and cons of what was likely to happen when Maryllia woke from her long trance of insensibility.

  21. But, as he might have known, if his irascibility had allowed him to weigh the pros and cons of the situation, his 'authority' was of no avail.

  22. He swung one leg over the sill--and sat there motionless, his mind balancing with lightning speed the pros against the cons of a sudden inspiration that had come to him.

  23. To-night there was this vital, imminent danger that he had to face, this decision to make whose pros and cons seemed each to hold an equal measure of dismay.

  24. I never understood why the other cons hated him, unless it was that he always wore a necktie; this is not etiquette in stir, which in the convicts' opinion ought to be a place of mourning.

  25. While exercising in the yard, the cons would throw the bricks Leahy had removed on an old brick pile under the archway.

  26. Notes, too, were contraband, but we found means of sending them through cons working in the hall.

  27. Mrs. Vane hesitated an instant to run over the pros and cons hastily.

  28. It must be he, on the opposite bank, standing irresolute; weighing the pros and cons of breaking in, no doubt.

  29. The Pros and Cons of the Limited Family 184 III.

  30. The foreigners, including the Europeans, wished to know the pros and cons of my coming in and going out.

  31. I felt very much like going out to help them; but after debating long upon the pros and cons of it,--asking myself, Was it prudent?

  32. The man stood perplexed for a while, weighing the pros and cons of the idea.

  33. The other cons back in the building started shooting at the guy with the subgun.

  34. Each man stood on a number, separated from his brother cons by about ten square feet.

  35. Well, he would go into the pros and cons of a doubtful problem later.

  36. Her heart throbbed madly, while her active brain debated the pros and cons of the all-important question--should she post the letter already written?

  37. He cons over that passport of his unsociability, words of J.

  38. He purses his lips in a silent whistle as he cons his shining trifles and varies his plan of display every day.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    argument; case; con; consideration; plea; pleading; pro; reason; refutation

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    consecrated ground; consider that; considerable area; considerable depth; considerable interest; considerable measure; considerable number; considerable quantity; considerable share; considerable sum; considered himself; considered the; considered unlucky; considering that; consisted only; consisting principally; constant fire; constant state; constant stream; constant temperature; constitutional amendments; constitutional convention; constructive imagination; consular rank; consumable goods; consume them