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Example sentences for "considered himself"

  • Swift now, much against his will, commenced Irishman for life, and was to contrive how he might be best accommodated in a country where he considered himself as in a state of exile.

  • He soon began to feel part of the misery of greatness; he that could say that he knew him, considered himself as having fortune in his power.

  • She forgave him; but from that time more than ever he considered himself unworthy of her, morally bowed down lower than ever before her, and prized more highly than ever his undeserved happiness.

  • Levin thought of the text, not because he considered himself "wise and prudent.

  • Those who wished him well, implored him to dispose of it; but he declared that he considered himself bound, by reason of the manner in which he had acquired the dog, to maintain and treat the animal kindly.

  • He recognised all that was generous and noble in the disposition of Esther; and he felt proud of her as his daughter—the only daughter whom he considered himself to possess.

  • This boy was also named in the regency, so that he was nominally associated with his mother, and he considered himself, doubtless, as the more important personage of the two.

  • He considered himself as, in fact, in duress, and his actions as not free.

  • This most inhuman and bloody-minded Kruger, who misquoted Scripture, as he so often did, considered himself safe to order his victims to their empty tents.

  • He considered himself as the super-refined salt of the earth, and his wife as a superb animal, who pleased his artistic senses with her matchless charms, and protected him with her strength.

  • He had intrigued with those ill-wishers until he considered himself sure of support.

  • Faith in his human importance destroyed, he considered himself no bigger than one of those tiny creatures swarming about in the vegetation of the submarine abyss--perhaps even smaller.

  • He considered himself superior; he tolerated him with condescending courtesy; he had mentally revolted when the rich Chueta spoke of his pretended friendship for Don Horacio.

  • He was no native of the island; he did not understand this language of yells, and he considered himself superior to such provocations.

  • He soon began to feel part of the misery of greatness; he that could say he knew him, considered himself as having fortune in his power.

  • If he considered himself as returning the Prince of Wales's visit, the absurdity of the notion would alone prevent its being offensive.

  • In letters to other correspondents he explained that being quite unable to work he considered himself simply an impediment to the transaction of public business, and was going away simply on leave of absence.

  • He told me that his disease had not yielded to the ordinary remedies which he had tried when he first felt its approach, and that he considered himself to be dangerously ill.

  • Conti, who reminded her that having formerly ceded the government of Dauphiny to the Comte de Soissons at her request, he considered himself entitled to succeed to that which had now become available by his death.

  • Concini became alarmed; he had so long been the spoilt child of fortune that every reverse overthrew his self-possession; and in the first paroxysm of his terror he considered himself lost.

  • Mr. SENEY did not mean to determine this question on the principle of benefiting, exclusively, the citizens of Maryland; he considered himself as a Representative of the Union, and should decide on the principle of general convenience.

  • Though a minor, as soon as he heard of the independence of America, he considered himself an American citizen.

  • He considered himself to be a fairly first-class authority on swearing; he thought that he was familiar with all the sacred words and with all the combinations of them.

  • In all the details of the business he considered himself superior to his father.

  • He considered himself to be perfectly tranquillised now, but he was mistaken.

  • Like all rigid enthusiasts, he considered himself disinterested, and became without remorse, the scourge of the world.

  • He did not dispute that of the Greek Emperors; and although he governed without receiving their commands, he left it to be supposed that he considered himself only as their representative.

  • He considered himself ill-used, slighted, and he registered a mental vow to rush his work and be quit of the accursed place at the earliest possible moment.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "considered himself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    advise thee; another bird; another illustration; cannot explain; considered himself; considered merely; considered the; considered them; considered unlucky; dinna like; dull white; finite number; hand grenades; harvest festival; high prices; high range; intellectual hospitality; means certain; much for; nearly free; purely intellectual; rouble note; shall like; social justice; thrives best; will recognize and maintain the freedom