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Example sentences for "forlornest"

Lexicographically close words:
forking; forks; forky; forlorn; forlorne; forlornly; forlornness; form; forma; formae
  1. Virginia dismissed the forlornest of efforts at incredulity.

  2. Young men know well what it is: and if young women have by chance overcome their timidity, to the taking of any step out of the trim pathway, they shrink, with a sense of forlornest isolation.

  3. There is where hope is forlornest and where William was bravest.

  4. Probably no damage was done, for it is the forlornest of jobs to loose mouldies against fast manœuvring ships, but lack of success does not in any way dim the splendour of the attempt.

  5. It looked the forlornest of hopes to rush upon an enemy plane, shoot him down at the shortest of range, or ram him if one couldn’t get a kill any other way.

  6. The pitiful words helped to dispel the cloud which had befogged his wits, and he began to weigh the pros and cons of the forlornest of forlorn hopes.

  7. For the Southern Cross to make the attempt, even provided she ran the gantlet of the barrier reef, was indeed the forlornest of forlorn hopes.

  8. Opposite the church is the forlornest thing; a house which once was Sheridan's, and which is now the warehouse of a shop, and hangs in its hall and rooms printed calico.

  9. He was glad that the strain was over, and besides, he would rather have led the forlornest of hopes than have played twice upon a woman's fears for her lover.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "forlornest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.