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Example sentences for "contrarye"

Lexicographically close words:
contrarious; contrarium; contrarius; contrariwise; contrary; contrarywise; contrast; contraste; contrasted; contrasting
  1. A common place shall bee, wyth wordes to exaggerate howe much it profiteth to keepe goodnesse, to bee in companye wyth good men, and contrarye howe greate myschyefe the companye of euyll men dothe cause.

  2. Reuersio, a preposterous order of the woordes contrarye to the good order of speakyng, as: He fell from of the wall, for he fel of from the walle.

  3. Hytherto be referred the fautes of euil pronouncing certein letters, & of to much gapyng, or contrarye of speakyng in the mouth.

  4. Contrary lawes are where the tone se- meth euidently to contrarye the other.

  5. For heretikes do chose out / vnto thẽselues sum doctrine which is contrarye to the holy scriptures / and do obstinatly defend the same.

  6. Thus ye se that all theise thinges which these massers do in their masse / ar contrarye to the institution of Christe.

  7. If thou shuldest refuse to do any of these thynges, and woldest assaye to do some thing of more sadnes and prudence, they wyll esteme and count the vnmanerly, cloubbysshe, frowarde, and clene contrarye to all mennes myndes.

  8. By this tale ye may note also that they, the whiche fortune swetelye enbraceth, take theyr reste and slepe soundely; And contrarye wyse, they that bene oppressed with aduersite, watche sorowefullye whan they shulde slepe.

  9. Edited for the first time by Thomas Wright, Esq.

  10. Paston and Howys, and that noon othyr attempte there in nor in noon othir cause in this my will to doo the contrarye to hem in effecte I require hem in Goddes be halve.

  11. But it wyll also prooue no whit displeasant, if with a lyttle patience, they restraine to glutte themselues with the walowish sweetnes of deceyueable delightes, and trye the taste of a contrarye vyand.

  12. Ermino was so sodenlye ashamed, as he was forced to chaunge his minde in maner cleane contrarye to his accustomed vse, and trade of life, saying: “M.

  13. Thus of two contraries, contrarye ben the effectes.

  14. And who-so 130 that bond undoth, and unknitteth wil to be in other purpose than to the first accorde, knitteth him with contrarye of reson; and that is unreson.

  15. The contrarye of these thinges some men holden also; and sayn that to the riche prosperite is purvayed in-to his confusion; and upon this mater many autorites of many and greet-witted clerkes they alegen.

  16. And that they will geve noo credence to suche as wyll upon here owyn imagynacionys for maleyse or invye intendyng to contrarye the dedys wyll or mys spende hese goodis .

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contrarye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.