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Example sentences for "contrarywise"

Lexicographically close words:
contrarium; contrarius; contrariwise; contrary; contrarye; contrast; contraste; contrasted; contrasting; contrasts
  1. This occasion lost, our consolation was that we had that passage free, but vexed for having lost that opportunity, & contrarywise weare contented of our side, for doubtlesse some of us had ben killed in the bataill.

  2. Which if contrarywise you omit and forget, your enemies malice shalbe satisfied with your confusion, which God defend, and for his mercies sake keepe you.

  3. But contrarywise there was a man in the province of the Mercians, whose visions and words, but not his manner of life, were of profit to others, though not to himself.

  4. How another contrarywise before his death saw a book containing his sins, which was shown him by devils.

  5. Now the Gentlewomen of Sicilia doe maruayle at my Magnificence, and Beauty, and by prayses aduaunce the same vp into the heauens: and contrarywise euery of theym doe mock thee, and deeme thee to be Infamous.

  6. Secondly, If to profess this were the Faith, yet for the Quakers will not profess him ascended without, neither making intercession without, but contrarywise strike at this doctrine.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contrarywise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.