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Example sentences for "copulatory"

Lexicographically close words:
copula; copulate; copulating; copulation; copulative; copy; copybook; copybooks; copye; copyhold
  1. The only panty hose that you have ever stroked are the ones you take off as a precursor to your copulatory sports.

  2. No specialized system of spermathecae, sperm reservoirs, and copulatory apparatus, as in Oligochaeta; development generally through a larval form; reproduction by budding also occurs.

  3. Appendages of body reduced to branchiae, present only in four species, and to the ventral copulatory appendages of Alma and Criodrilus.

  4. The male possesses elaborate copulatory structures of a chitinous nature, and the eggs are fertilized in the female without even quitting the place where they are formed on the wall of the reticular gonocoel.

  5. It lodges the copulatory organ, and on its dorsal wall lies the bursa Fabricii, an organ peculiar to birds.

  6. Gadow, "Remarks on the Cloaca and on the Copulatory Organs of the Amniota.

  7. The pelvic fins in the male bear long grooved cartilaginous rods which are accessory copulatory organs or claspers.

  8. In Chimaera the pelvic girdle has a flattened pointed iliac portion, and ventrally an unpaired movable cartilaginous plate which bears hooks and is supposed to be copulatory in function.

  9. It has thus combined in the male the urethra with the copulatory organ, and the sexual germinal glands, or testicles, with an accessory gland, the epididymis.

  10. At the time of puberty, which varies in different individuals, the sexual glands and the other copulatory apparatus enlarge and begin to functionate.

  11. In this way the copulatory organ is ready for its function.

  12. Canu in 1892 proposed two groups, Monoporodelphya and Diporodelphya, the copulatory openings of the female being paired in the latter, unpaired in the former.

  13. The last pair of thoracic limbs are usually modified in the male into copulatory organs.

  14. The effect of the parasite in the male is that the abdomen is broader, the copulatory styles reduced, and biramous hairy appendages are developed similar to those of the female, but smaller.

  15. In Inachus the abdomen of the normal male is very narrow and has no appendages except two pairs of copulatory styles.

  16. All other differences, therefore, including genital ducts and copulatory or intromittent organs, are somatic.

  17. Possibly all displays, except the post-copulatory one, occur in no particular order in the courtship period.

  18. The pre-copulatory display of the male elicits receptive behavior in the female.

  19. A single male Bell Vireo in the pre-copulatory display.

  20. When trapped two days later, she had a copulatory plug, and 21 days after this she was found with a newborn litter in a trap.

  21. Normal estrus," Heape states, "occurs in conjunction with certain changes in the uterine tissue, and this is accompanied by congestion and stimulation or irritation of the copulatory organs.

  22. In regard to the peculiar mode of union of the sexes, it becomes an interesting point to ascertain whether there be an actual incorporation of the substance of the copulatory organs during or after the act of impregnation.

  23. Copulatory organs are absent, except in the Apoda, in which a portion of the cloaca can be everted and acts as a penis.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "copulatory" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.