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Example sentences for "cotton wool"

  • If this be so, then disease can certainly be warded off by filters of cotton wool.

  • Tyndall, he remarks that, "by breathing through a cotton wool respirator, the noxious air of the sick room is restored to practical purity.

  • It is found that the best filter by which to separate this floating dust from the air is cotton wool, although a handkerchief will imperfectly answer the same purpose.

  • Observe carefully that the bodies are straight and lifted by placing under them bits of paper or cotton wool so as to extend on an even plane with the thorax and wings.

  • In the majority of cases all that is necessary is to remove the dust, and this is preferably done by a wad of cotton waste (which does not leave shreds like cotton wool), followed by a bit of bibulous filter paper.

  • Use nothing but what is known as "medicated" cotton wool with a good long fibre.

  • When the tube is nearly dry a loose plug of cotton wool may be inserted at the bottom.

  • For flasks and so on, it is convenient to employ a blowing apparatus, dust being avoided by inserting a permanent plug of cotton wool in one of the leading tubes.

  • If seen immediately after the accident, firm pressure should be applied by means of an elastic bandage over a thick layer of cotton wool, to prevent bleeding and effusion of synovia.

  • Further, the skin surfaces of the axilla having been separated by a thin layer of cotton wool, a sling is applied to support the wrist, and the arm is bound to the side by a body bandage.

  • In recent and severe cases the patient must be confined to bed, and firm pressure applied over the joint by means of cotton wool and a bandage.

  • In mild cases, a great deal can be done by wearing properly made boots and stockings with a separate compartment for the great toe, or a pad of cotton wool or tent of rubber between the great and second toes.

  • Some of these drawers may be lined with sheet cork, and the cork covered with white paper or a thin layer of cotton wool.

  • Very small and delicate starfishes, when preserved in a dry condition, may be protected from injury by fastening them on a card by means of a little gum, or by keeping them permanently stored on cotton wool in glass-topped boxes.

  • Very small and delicate shells may be mounted on cards, as suggested for other objects; but, as a rule, the specimens are best displayed by simply placing them on a layer of cotton wool in shallow boxes of convenient size.

  • The buds, berries, and hearts of some double flowers are made with cotton wool, wound around wire, moulded to the shape with thumb and finger.

  • A few drops applied on cotton wool (to a decayed and painful tooth) give immediate relief.

  • Take a piece of wire six inches long: across the top lay a small piece of cotton wool, turn the wire over it, and wind it round until it is the size of the heart or centre of the flower you are going to imitate.

  • In spite of this, however, it is often necessary to introduce a little plug of cotton wool dipped in the fluid some distance up the nostrils, with a thread attached by which it can be withdrawn, and a fresh one substituted twice a day.

  • The glandular swellings of the neck or about the lower jaw are likewise best let alone, or merely covered with a layer of cotton wool, stitched inside a piece of oiled silk to maintain a uniform temperature.

  • Put into the ear, but not very far, a small piece of cotton wool, moistened with warm olive oil.

  • The toes should be kept asunder for a few minutes, in order that the acid may soak in, then apply between the toes a small piece of cotton wool.

  • When children are burned, it is difficult to make them endure the application of cotton wool.

  • Cotton wool, wet with sweet oil and paregoric, relieves the ear-ache very soon.

  • Any apothecary will furnish it ready dropped on cotton wool, for a few cents.

  • A few drops of the oil of Cajput on cotton wool is said to be a great relief to the tooth-ache.

  • Carbolic dressing, exclusion of air, cotton wool, linseed oil and lime water.

  • The above are applied to the tooth with a camel-hair pencil, or a little wad of lint or cotton wool is moistened with them, and placed in or against the tooth.

  • Its head is a tiny bean fixed to the cork with a pin, both neck and body are wrapped in cotton wool, and it is neatly fastened on with white mending yarn.

  • For a drumstick, wind a ball of cotton wool or tissue paper on the end of a stick and cover with a round of silk or bladder also, and bind it tightly on to the stick.

  • Cotton wool, for taking up the gold leaf and pressing it firmly on the leather.

  • Now take up one of the pieces of gold upon a large pad of cotton wool, previously greased slightly by drawing it over the head.

  • Make a little pad of cotton wool, saturate the lower portion with varnish; rub it on a piece of waste paper to equalize the varnish, then work the pad over the side as |144| quickly as possible in a circular direction.

  • The black carbonaceous coat formed on hot glass when it is placed in cotton wool may be removed by wiping with methylated spirit, or, if it be very closely adherent, by gently rubbing with fine emery, moistened with the spirit.

  • With good lead glass this last process, though advantageous, is not absolutely necessary; and as glass cools slowly when enveloped in cotton wool, this precaution may frequently be neglected in the case of apparatus made from lead glass.

  • By wrapping the hot apparatus that is to be annealed closely in cotton wool, and leaving it there till quite cold.

  • Cotton Wool to Water For this trick I use an old piece of apparatus known to conjurers as the "coffee vase," and I mention it here because my method of using it differs from that usually employed.

  • Cotton wool, is easily compressible, and there is sufficient space between the bottom of the lining and the bottom of the vase for all the cotton wool which was placed loosely in the vase.

  • Now, when the conjurer removes the cover the audience see the pieces of cotton wool at the top of the secret lid on the lining, and apparently no change has been made.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cotton wool" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    billion expenditures; cannot save; commercial fertilizers; cotton blow; cotton cloth; cotton cultivation; cotton field; cotton goods; cotton manufacture; cotton mill; cotton paper; cotton seed; cotton thread; cotton yarn; discussed later; favourable variations; full assurance; general favourite; increase over; last succeeded; never gave; other beasts; other similar; public order; rigid economy; several people