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Example sentences for "counte"

Lexicographically close words:
counselors; counsels; count; countable; countdown; counted; countenance; countenanced; countenances; countenancing
  1. Domesday se fist, come il avient del manor de Totenham qui fut en autre maine a temps de Domesday fait, come en le dit livers fait mencion, que il fuit adonques al Counte de Cestre.

  2. The gretteste clerkes been noght the wysest men," As whylom to the wolf thus spak the mare; 4055 Of al hir art I counte noght a tare.

  3. Regeneracion / can not iustifie / for he doth counte them to be but losse and dunge / which truly he wold not haue done / if they hadd such poure and vertue / that they could iustifie.

  4. Besids this / our men do counte this Masse hauntinge a fault to be either contemned / or not so depely to be considered in theim bicause they do not synne with mynde will and affection / but as it wer compelled and of necessite.

  5. These been the wronges and extorcions done to Julian Herberd doughter and heir of Herry Herberd of lytel Plumstede yn the Counte of Norff.

  6. The Counte Guillaume with bashfull and astonned countenaunce aunsweared: "Sir, the wickednesse of the enterprise were very great, but the folly in the execution were no lesse.

  7. Among other aduertisementes, one of his friendes wrote vnto him that the Counte Guillaume had receiued certain sommes of money, with promise of more, if by any meanes he could deuise which waye to kill the king.

  8. One of the Frenche kinge's called Frauncis the firste of that name, declared his gentle nature to Counte Guillaume, that would haue killed him.

  9. When he was come thether, he said nothing of that which had passed betweene theim, and verelye thoughte that the Counte Guillaume although that he was a stronge and stoute gentleman, yet he was no man to do so great an enterprise.

  10. The counte feling it at the point, and well viewyng the same, aunswered that he neuer sawe a better in all his life.

  11. The counte said that with his licence he would gladly go forthwith: and as one whom feare forced to depart, he was not able to beare his abode 24 houres.

  12. To whom the kinge said: "Loe, ye haue bene miscontented for that I would not put away the Counte Guillaume, but now ye see he putteth away himselfe.

  13. Non yvel therto ne may amounte, 2745 No more than a man [may] counte The dropes that of the water be.

  14. Sin I fro Love escaped am so fat, I never thenk to ben in his prison lene; Sin I am free, I counte him not a bene.

  15. Sin I fro Love escaped am so fat, I never thenk to ben in his prison lene; Sin I am free, I counte him not a bene.

  16. And yf your Lordshep seme necessary that I now beynge at Westminster shall any thynge laboure or des[ire for the rule] and governaunce of the counte forsayd, or for reformacion of suche wronge as the peples herts most agrugge as .

  17. Fraunce as of justice keping, tranquillite and pease in youre roiaume of Englonde, also of the duchies of Normandie, Gascoigne, Guyen, and of the counte of Mayne.

  18. How that the grettir part of the counte of Mayne, the cite of Mauns, withe many other castellis, were yolden.

  19. And whiche counte of Mayne was accustomed sithen to be in value yerely to the eide and helpe of the werres of Fraunce, and to the releve of the kyng ys subgettis obeisauntes lyvyng uppon the werre for the furtheraunce of that conquest, .

  20. Fraunce and Normandie and of the counte of Mayne, thoroughe umbre of the said fenied colour of trewes, ayenst alle honoure and trouthe of knighthode.

  21. Which done, the Counte determining before what he would do, praied licence to retourne to his countrye to consummat the mariage.

  22. One of the Frenche kinge’s called Frauncis the firste of that name, declared his gentle nature to Counte Guillaume, that would haue killed him.

  23. And when the appointed day was come, the counte in the presence of the king (although it were against his wil) maried the maiden, who loued him better then her owne selfe.

  24. The Counte being maried against his will, for despite fled to Florence and loued another.

  25. This Counte had one onely sonne called Beltramo, a very yonge childe, amiable and fayre.

  26. Giletta a Phisition’s daughter of Narbon, healed the French King of a Fistula, for reward whereof she demaunded Beltramo Counte of Rossiglione to husband.

  27. Giletta, a Phisition’s doughter of Narbon, healed the French King of a Fistula, for reward whereof she demaunded Beltramo Counte of Rossiglione to husband.

  28. The gentlewoman to take occasion from the Counte of anye farther repaire, or sendinge to her house, toke her doughter with her, and went into the country to her frends.

  29. Than they counte as Fables, the holie misteries of Christian Religion.

  30. Sir, I am bound to you & to my mistress, And will so arme my servyce with delighte That, madam, you shall counte thys maryadge yoake The onlye lyst of pleasure.

  31. Richard, they say Hathe begd your honor and your offyces: Hes counte of Poyteers, marquysse of Saluca.

  32. Two hours after this ill-timed jest, the counte was imprisoned in the dungeon of St. Julian's tower.

  33. At the same time arrived the Counte de Briance, Ambassadour of the King of France, who had a great train.

  34. And there was take the duke of Orliaunce, the duke of Burbon, the counte of Richmond, the counte Ewe, the marschal Sir Bursequant, and many other lordes and knyghts.

  35. In this yere kyng Edward made of the counte of Cornwayle a duche, which he yaf to Edward his firste begetyn sone, withe the erledom of Chestre.

  36. Also in this yere the kyng seyled into Fraunce, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxviij, and dede homage to the kyng of Fraunce for the ducherye of Guyene and for the counte of Pountyf.

  37. And he toke his leve of the kyng: and the erle of Warwik brought hym agayne to Grevenyng Water; at which tyme also the counte Charlis brought our lordes to the same place, where either of these lordes token live of other.

  38. The same yere the duke of Bretayne dede homage also to the kyng for the counte of Richemond.

  39. Sidenote: The counte of Cornwayle was made a duche.

  40. Suizzers, sent against theim the Counte Carminvola, whiche then was his capitaine.

  41. See the vnshamefastnesse of this mastife bitche, and the rage of that Female Tiger, howe shee goeth about to arme one friend against an other, and was not content onely to abuse the Counte Gaiazzo, but deuised how to make him the manqueller.

  42. But aboue all others the alyaunce of a young Earle named Paris, the Counte of Lodronne, lyked the Lord Antonio: vnto whom lyberally he gaue his consent, and told his Wyfe the party vppon whom he dyd mean to bestow his Daughter.

  43. And for that he would not employe hys tyme in vayne, when he founde hir alone and at conuenyent leysure, began to preache vnto hir in thys wyse with sutch countenaunce, as she perceyued the Counte to be far in loue with hir.

  44. Syr," sayd she, "is the Counte of Gaiazzo one of your very frends?

  45. Item, the seyd Fastolf hath be gretely damaged and hurt by the myght and power of the seyd Duc of Suffolk and his counseill, in disseising and taking awey a maner of the seyd Fastolf, called Dedham, in the counte of Essex, to the value of C.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "counte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    counted upon; counted worthy; counter attack; counterfeit money