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Example sentences for "counterpoise"

Lexicographically close words:
counterpart; counterparts; counterplot; counterplots; counterpoint; counterpoised; counterpoises; counters; counterscarp; counterseal
  1. These cords were attached by one end to the double bottom of the palanquin, and by the other end to a counterpoise concealed in the canopy.

  2. When the vanished person descends beneath the stage, he is supported by some other individual if the theater is not well appointed, and by a trap with a counterpoise if the construction of the stage admits of it.

  3. An equally abortive attempt to create a counterpoise to Pompey's power was made by the tribune Rullus at the close of 64 B.

  4. The gun is fulcrumed in a lever frame provided with a counterpoise which more than balances the gun.

  5. When loaded and released the counterpoise raises the gun again to firing position.

  6. By others, whom Scott has partly followed, the Earl of Sussex has been credited with the elevation of Ralegh, as a counterpoise to Leicester.

  7. Lord Burleigh, notwithstanding differences concerning Ireland, encouraged him as a counterpoise to Leicester.

  8. Unless the thought of a future life is completed by the belief that it is a corporeal life, it will never have definiteness and reality enough to sustain itself as a counterpoise to the weight of things seen.

  9. God's merciful hand, and that whatever may come, we have a divine power which will fit us for it; and they bid us anticipate our work and do it, as the best counterpoise for all vain curiosity about what may be coming on the earth.

  10. They counterpoise their own divinations with the present evils; and because they will not cure the brain to the prejudice of the stomach, they injure both with their dissentient and tumultuary drugs.

  11. We may think there is no just counterpoise in this exchange; but, according to his stoical humour, I fancy he thought he had done as much for her, in prolonging his life upon her account, as if he had died for her.

  12. England and Prussia have offered their mediation, and Denmark is endeavoring to counterpoise their interference by getting this court to offer to join in the mediation.

  13. The preference which our shipping will obtain on this account, may counterpoise the discouragements it experiences from the aggravated dangers of the Barbary States.

  14. Then the counterpoise is diminished; the mechanical difficulty of lifting is augmented, yet still it takes place.

  15. The masts are somewhat short; sometimes mere stumps, but then the halyards and the tacks must be enormously strong to counterpoise the immense length of the yard.

  16. The double news of this marriage and of the removal to the Tuileries was launched on the public at the same time; the one was to counterpoise the other.

  17. Then another rumor began to be bruited about which served as a counterpoise to the former.

  18. Yet though he made a profession of patriotism, Filippo failed to use this great influence consistently as a counterpoise to the Medicean authority.

  19. Nor on the other hand has it been so feeble as not to be able, when afraid of losing its temporalities, to call in a foreign potentate, as a counterpoise in its defense against those powers which threatened to become supreme.

  20. This circumstance is a material counterpoise to its extraordinary fertility, and is the reason why it is at present unoccupied by any but large stockholders.

  21. As a counterpoise to the growth of Russian influence in the north, Great Britain obtained a lease of Wei-hai-wei, and formally took possession of it on its evacuation by the Japanese troops in May 1898.

  22. I there found the tomb of Cecilia Metella, the daughter of that Crassus whose wealth was a counterpoise to the name of Pompey and the fortune of Caesar.

  23. He had long dreamed of instituting a College de France, a free association of learned teachers, men who could introduce the New Learning and form a counterpoise to the Sorbonne which dominated the University.

  24. Learning and piety flourished, and French theology was always a counterpoise to the narrow Reformed Scholastic of Switzerland and of Holland.

  25. What is common in the imagination of Madame Bovary becomes exquisite in Flaubert's rendering of it, and by that counterpoise of a commonness in the subject he is saved from any vague ascents of rhetoric in his rendering of it.

  26. He has both genius and talent, but the talent, instead of acting as a counterpoise to the genius, blows it yet more windily about the air.

  27. The primary aim of all true exercise for the improvement of health and the prolonging of life must affect the erectness of the human body and the counterpoise curves of the spine.

  28. Generally there is a complete "slumping" of the chest, the spine is brought into a wide, single curve instead of its counterpoise curves.

  29. To us, the remnant of the host of Greece, Comes weal beyond all counterpoise of woe; Thus boast we rightfully to yonder sun, Like him far-fleeted over sea and land.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "counterpoise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.