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Example sentences for "curre"

Lexicographically close words:
curragh; curraghs; currans; currant; currants; currencies; currency; current; currently; currents
  1. It is the most impenetrable curre That euer kept with men Ant.

  2. Is it possible A curre should lend three thousand ducats?

  3. Wherefore I will leaue this curre [Sidenote: Tie dogs.

  4. The last sort of dogs consisteth of the currish kind meet for manie toies: of which the whappet or prickeard curre is one.

  5. Take thy Sheephooke in thy hand, Clap thy Curre and set him on, For our fields 'tis time to stand, Or they quickly will be gon.

  6. The last sort of dogs consisteth of the currish kind méet for manie toies: of which the whappet or prickeard curre is one.

  7. This Butchers Curre is venom'd-mouth'd, and I Haue not the power to muzzle him, therefore best Not wake him in his slumber.

  8. What valour were it, when a Curre doth grinne, For one to thrust his Hand betweene his Teeth, When he might spurne him with his Foot away?

  9. Your iudgments my graue Lords Must giue this Curre the Lye: and his owne Notion, Who weares my stripes imprest vpon him, that Must beare my beating to his Graue, shall ioyne To thrust the Lye vnto him 1 Lord.

  10. Lords knaue, you whorson dog, you slaue, you curre Ste.

  11. Did not I say he would worke it out, the Curre is excellent at faults Mal.

  12. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curre" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    current account; current events; current from; current issues; current money; current setting; current through; current will; currently vacant