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Example sentences for "curragh"

Lexicographically close words:
curls; curly; curmudgeon; curo; currach; curraghs; currans; currant; currants; curre
  1. The friction that these “privileges” used to cause when a Household regiment was occasionally brigaded at Aldershot or Dublin or the Curragh with regiments of the line was, however, undeniable.

  2. You must not link yourself with that Bill Kisseck and his Curragh gang.

  3. They are a rough lot, the Curragh fellows; but no harm in them that I know of.

  4. The ranger of the Curragh is appointed by the government, and has the entire charge of this celebrated property.

  5. There is little to attract the attention of the traveller between Dublin and Kilkenny, except the fine range of mountains and the Curragh of Kildare.

  6. The founder was interred here in 1231, and three years after his brother Richard, who was slain in a battle with the O'Mores and O'Conors on the Curragh of Kildare.

  7. Once in seven years the Earl rides round the Curragh of Kildare on a horse whose silver shoes were half an inch thick when he disappeared.

  8. A horse-dealer once found the lighted cavern open on the night the Earl was riding round the Curragh and went in.

  9. Once in seven years Earl Gerald rides round the Curragh of Kildare; and every seventh year the host at Ochsenfeld in Upper Alsace may be seen by night exercising on their horses.

  10. Then the woman threw a ball of thread straight to him, and he caught it in his hand, and it held fast to his palm, and the woman kept the thread in her own hand, and she pulled the curragh to the landing-place.

  11. And Iuchnu, that was in the curragh with Cliodna, did treachery, and he played music to her till she lay down in the boat and fell asleep.

  12. Then the three pushed out their curragh from the beautiful clear-bayed shore of Ireland.

  13. And when Tadg heard that, he made a plan in his own head, and he gave orders for a curragh to be built that would be fit for a long voyage.

  14. When all was ready, and the curragh out in the tide, Tadg said to his people: "Let us set out now on the high sea, looking for our own people that are away from us this long time.

  15. And he will give that, for he is under bonds not to refuse a second request, and the curragh is better for you than the horse," he said.

  16. And they gathered a good share of the wool and put it in the curragh because of the wonder and the beauty of it.

  17. Tadg took one side of the curragh then and his men took the other side, and he was able to pull it round against the whole twenty-nine of them, and to bale it out and keep it dry along with that.

  18. And so we ask of you, curragh of Manannan that is under us, to sail to the Garden in the East of the World.

  19. A delight of the eyes is the plain where the hosts hold their games; curragh racing against chariot in the White Silver Plain to the south.

  20. And they brought the ram to the curragh and made it ready for the young men to eat, and they stopped three nights on the island, and every night it was a sheep they had for their food.

  21. Then they went away, and they left Tuireann sorrowful and lamenting, and Ethne went with them to where the curragh was.

  22. And the curragh did not neglect that order, but it sailed forward over the green-sided waves and deep places till it came to its harbour in the east of the world.

  23. And when they reached it they all landed, and they pulled up the curragh and lit their fires, and food was given out to them, and they were not long making an end of it.

  24. After a time, the wind abated to a gentle gale, the sea became smooth, and the curragh sailed on as before, with a quiet, pleasant movement.

  25. He then asked, 'Do you know why your curragh has stopped?

  26. When they awoke on the third day, they found themselves in their curragh on the open sea; and there was no appearance in any direction either of the maiden or of the island.

  27. And the voyagers, with much wonder and awe in their hearts, went to their curragh and sailed away.

  28. I stepped on to the rock; and the moment I did so, the waves seemed to spring back, and the rock rose high over the level of the water; while the curragh drifted by and quickly disappeared, so that I never saw it after.

  29. Now once again, when winds and tide combine, The flying curragh cleaves the crested brine.

  30. When the crossans saw the curragh putting forth on the sea, they inquired:--"Who are yonder people that are launching this curragh on the sea?

  31. But none the less did the men bend to their oars, and the curragh sailed away; and it was in this manner that the voyagers made their escape from the island.

  32. A silver net hung from the top down to the very water, extending far out at one side of the pillar; and the meshes were so large that the curragh in full sail went through one of them.

  33. He then gave me seven cakes and a cup of watery whey as food for my voyage; after which the curragh moved on, and I soon lost sight of him.

  34. The crew remained in their curragh all day; and as soon as the animals had gone into their caves for the night, and the birds had taken their place, Maildun landed with all his men.

  35. But Maildun and his men put to sea in their boat, For they saw his two eyes looking over the wall; And they knew by the way that he opened his throat, He intended to swallow them, curragh and all!

  36. But even this did not suffice to drive the Government to face the ordeal of having their own account of the affair at the Curragh sifted by the sworn evidence of others who knew the facts.

  37. On the 28th of April a further debate on the Curragh Incident took place in the House of Commons, which was a curious example of the rapid changes of mood that characterise that Assembly.

  38. The excitement of the Curragh Incident passed off without causing any sort of disturbance, and, as we have seen, the troops who were sent North received everywhere in Ulster a loyal welcome.

  39. This Curragh Incident, which caused intense and prolonged excitement in March 1914, and nearly upset the Asquith Government, had more than momentary importance in connection with the Ulster Movement.

  40. The Curragh holds Ireland's greatest race-course, and has held it for two thousand years.

  41. They have little time for the past as just a few miles beyond is the famous Curragh of Kildare, a stretch of the most marvellous grass-lands in the world, where the turf is of greatest richness and elasticity.

  42. Curragh air had gotten into our heads and go we must.

  43. It is a relief to me at least when it mounts in safety to the downy stretches of the Curragh where there is no dust, and I find on calling the roll that none of our party is missing.

  44. Illustration: Parnell's Grave Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin] His great unfinished palace rears its walls now close by the highway and of all the thousands who rush by here to Curragh Camp or races, how many give it a thought or know who built it?

  45. Yes, while all across the curragh from the West Drifts the sea-rain off the sea, You have chosen.

  46. Those who were fortunate enough to be selected were sent to the Curragh to be broken in to their new profession.

  47. The Curragh Mutiny" had provoked some very pointed comments upon the spirit which really animated the army in Ireland: it came to be looked upon as the citadel and symbol of all the forces that opposed the claims of Ireland.

  48. But they took them up to Dublin and drove the coach twenty-eight miles down to the Curragh next day, arriving there alive and with no broken harness!

  49. What his attitude towards the officers at the Curragh was in the first instance, is a matter of mere surmise.

  50. It is me that is the lone body this very minute, with never a penny in my house and not even the old curragh left to me to make a penny by.

  51. If only the curragh was left me it would be something.

  52. It is off on the curragh that I am going now.

  53. When are you going to put the curragh out again?

  54. I suppose there is nothing for it but to put out the curragh to the fishing again.

  55. Returning northward he retook Castledermot, and inflicted chastisement on the warlike Abbot of Conal, near Naas, who shortly before attacked some Irish forces on the Curragh of Kildare, slaying two hundred men.

  56. In returning from the chariot-races at the Curragh of Kildare, he was surprised and slain in an ambuscade laid for him by Godfrid at a place on the banks of the Liffey called Tyraris or Teeraris house.

  57. Indeed some fairs were held chiefly for races, like those at the Curragh of Kildare, which was as celebrated as a racecourse twelve hundred years ago as it is now.

  58. And one day he was out in the curragh he saw the first wife appear.

  59. And it wasn't a fortnight after that five boys were out there, just where you see the curragh now, and they were upset and every one drowned, and they were of the families that she had named on the cards.

  60. Such a man called to me from his curragh to give warning, for he saw the road full of them with the crowd of them and they with their guns and cutlasses and all the rest.

  61. There were three or four out in a curragh near the lighthouse, and a conger-eel came and upset it, and they were all saved but one, but he was brought down and for the whole day they could hear him crying and screeching under the sea.

  62. Mary Moran: There was a girl here that had been to America and came back, and one day she was coming over from Liscannor in a curragh, and she looked back and there behind the curragh was the "Gan ceann" the headless one.

  63. When the last curragh went out, I was left on the slip with a band of women and children, and one old boar who sat looking out over the sea.

  64. The seat of the Leinster kings is no longer either Tara or Dinn Riogh, but Ailinn, which lies between them, on the southern side of the Curragh of Kildare.

  65. It was a beautiful spring morning, and the young sunlight was on the sallies of the Curragh and the gold of the roadside gorse.

  66. But he wandered away in the darkness over the Curragh to the shore, and in the grey of morning he was at the door again, bringing the cold breath of the dawn into the house with the long whisper round the door ajar.

  67. Kate was helped to her room upstairs, Philip sat down in the kitchen, the news spread like a curragh fire, and the barroom was full in five minutes.

  68. The stars came out; the moon gave a peep; the late hay of the Curragh sent a sweet odour through the night.

  69. Long sinuous tails of light where the busy streets were, running in and out, this way and that, and belching into the wide squares and market-places like the race of a Curragh fire.

  70. Just sitting with the brandy and drinking and drinking, and ateing nothing; but that dirt brought up on the Curragh shouting for beefstakes morning and night, and having his dinner laid on a beautiful new white sheet as clane as a bed.

  71. The Curragh was the scene of more than one battle in centuries past, and, like Tara, was one of the historic places chosen in the minds of the insurgents of Ninety-eight as an ideal mustering point.

  72. The Curragh District Golf Club has been formed by the military stationed there.

  73. To-day expected that opportunity would be seized by Opposition to make fresh attack on Government in respect of the Curragh affair and all it led to.

  74. But Maildune and his men put to sea in their boat, For they saw his two eyes looking over the wall; And they knew by the way that he opened his throat, He intended to swallow them, curragh and all!

  75. The Leinster people gave her a piece of land chosen by herself, on the edge of a beautiful level grassy plain, well known as the Curragh of Kildare.

  76. Then Maildune said, "Take down your sail and put by your oars, and let the curragh drift before the wind in whatsoever direction it pleases God to lead us": which was done.

  77. During the next few days, the wind bore Maildune's curragh along smoothly, so that the crew had not to use their oars.

  78. And as the first faint glimmer of the morning came slanting down the mountains, he stepped into his curragh and pulled across the lake, and took the road towards the water-palace of Angus of the Boyne.

  79. He rowed his curragh home, and he lay on his bed without taking off his clothes.

  80. Enda seized his oar, and the curragh sped across the waters swifter than a swallow in its flight.

  81. As he stepped into the curragh the moon was rising above the mountains.

  82. The above and much more information concerning the habits and customs of these bushwomen of the Curragh was obtained in the daytime; but this was not enough for the plucky Pall-Mall adventurer.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "curragh" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.