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Example sentences for "deforming"

Lexicographically close words:
deform; deformans; deformation; deformations; deformed; deformities; deformity; deforms; defouled; defraud
  1. The lower series is much more deformed than the upper, showing that the deforming movements of later geologic times have been much less intense than the earlier, as if there had been a fading out or weakening of the deforming agents.

  2. It is because by transporting one of them without deforming it we can make it coincide with the other.

  3. Observe how unlovely and unpleasing it rendereth you to beholders; deforming the countenance, and taking away the amiable sweetness of it, which appeareth in a calm and loving temper.

  4. Interminglings have modified only the form of the head of the Southern Athapascans; but it must be remembered that the practice of deforming the skull prevails among them.

  5. Either a Malay colony may therefore be assumed there, a remnant of Negritoes, or that it was a centre of the custom of deforming the head, a custom which in fact obtains in the neighbourhood of the mouth of the Fly.

  6. The ancient Caribs of the Antilles were short, somewhat light-skinned, and had the custom of deforming the head by flattening the frontal region of the skull.

  7. Because," he began, that mottling of purple increasingly deforming his amiable face.

  8. Selfishness is another conspicuous deforming trait of the President.

  9. He knows that contests and strife elicit his most deforming qualities--intolerance, arrogance, and emotional sterility; hence he hedges himself about in every possible way to avoid them.

  10. I know not why, but there is something peculiarly deforming and discordant in bad weather here; and we are all rather stupid and depressed.

  11. This deforming of animals is a savage custom, for Hottentots twist the horns of their cattle and sheep, while a number of horns are produced in Africa by splitting the budding horns of the young animals.

  12. If we have little evidence of head-deforming in this country by means of compression, we meet occasionally with prehistoric skulls which have been trepanned, and have had inserted into them a small piece of extraneous bone.

  13. And this cruel deforming of the most beautiful of God's creations was said to be beautiful simply because fashion willed it.

  14. Let the deforming force be reckoned per unit of area, e.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deforming" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.