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Example sentences for "denture"

Lexicographically close words:
dentistry; dentists; dentition; dentro; dents; denty; denudation; denude; denuded; denuding
  1. Upper denture in ivory, at the end of the eighteenth century, for a case in which the last molars and the front teeth were present.

  2. The unpleasantness of this was a subject of much consideration with him, and thus it was that, to remedy the evil, he gradually matured the idea of having a porcelain denture made, on the model of the ivory one.

  3. However, this denture proving unserviceable, Duchâteau was obliged to put it aside and begin new experiments.

  4. The first trial was not successful, for in the baking the paste contracted so much that the denture was no longer of the right dimensions.

  5. A spring denture for a case in which the lower front teeth still exist.

  6. But the results did not correspond with his wishes, and many trials were still necessary before Duchâteau was able to obtain a denture which he judged fit for use, although not without defects.

  7. To remedy this, he now had another and larger denture made, to allow for its contraction in the baking.

  8. Besides which, Duchâteau being obliged, by reason of his profession, to continually taste pharmaceutic preparations, his denture had gradually become impregnated with medicinal substances that imparted a nauseous taste to everything he ate.

  9. He therein specially speaks of a complete denture with four springs, perfectly adapted to the purpose of mastication.

  10. An upper denture supported by springs fixed to a gold appliance which embraces the natural teeth of the lower jaw (Fauchard).

  11. The teeth are solid, close-set, and even, and impress the observer as large; they close with the upper incisors projecting slightly beyond the lower denture in the usual manner.

  12. In some cases a root will not properly support more than one additional crown; in others an entire bridge denture has been successfully supported upon four well-placed roots.

  13. England a process for constructing a denture upon vulcanized caoutchouc as a base.

  14. The manufacture of a denture of this character was tedious and uncertain, and required much skill.

  15. To obviate these defects the enamelled platinum denture was devised.

  16. It is then enamelled with a vitreous enamel coloured in imitation of the colour of the natural gum, which is applied and fired as before, the result being the most artistic and hygienic denture known.

  17. The denture was kept in place by spiral springs attached to the buccal sides of the appliance above and below, which caused pressure upon both jaws, necessitating a constant effort upon the part of the unfortunate wearer to keep it in place.

  18. When properly made and applied to judiciously selected cases, the bridge denture is the most artistic and functionally perfect restoration of prosthetic dentistry.

  19. But we find in the embryo whale a complete denture which is of no use to it, and which disappears in the course of the embryonic period.

  20. This denture is nothing else than a phylogenetic incident in the ontogeny of the whale.

  21. In that case, if the neighbouring teeth be intact, a solid gold plug should be fitted to the denture bearing the false first molar.

  22. If several teeth be missing it is more comfortable to have the obturator and denture separate--the latter being made with a setting to receive the flange.

  23. In discussing dental dreams I have pointed out the importance of having the denture examined for possible pus pockets.

  24. When a certain tooth or group of teeth keeps on recurring in dream pictures, an X-ray examination of the entire denture should be made.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "denture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    bridge; gum; ivories; plate; teeth