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Example sentences for "diabolo"

Lexicographically close words:
diaboli; diabolic; diabolical; diabolically; diabolism; diacetic; diachylon; diaconate; diacritical; diadem
  1. The eighth chapter is— Si quis hominem diabolo sacrificaverit, et hostiam in more paganorum dæmonibus obtulerit, morte moriatur.

  2. The ropedancers perform many wonderful feats while balancing themselves on the rope, among them being the playing of diabolo while walking to and fro on a tight rope.

  3. The Koravas are a very primitive people, but as acrobats and ropedancers they have continued their profession for generations past, and there is no doubt that they have been expert diabolo players for many years.

  4. The mechanics of the diabolo were worked out by Professor C.

  5. The game of spinning, throwing and catching the diabolo was rapidly elaborated in various directions, both as an exercise of skill in doing tricks, and in "diabolo tennis" and other ways as an athletic pastime.

  6. Datus est non a Diabolo sed a Deo; non quod Deus tentationis sit auctor, sed quia diabolo tentare Paulum parato, id permisit, idque tantum in specie et materia libidinis ad eum humiliandum.

  7. The Canyon Diabolo meteorite above referred to was found to contain diamonds!

  8. The so-called Canyon Diabolo meteorite was found in a canyon of that name about 2-1/2 miles from the Coon Mountain.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diabolo" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.