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Example sentences for "diacetic"

Lexicographically close words:
diabolic; diabolical; diabolically; diabolism; diabolo; diachylon; diaconate; diacritical; diadem; diadems
  1. She never excreted much acetone or diacetic acid, and when she was discharged there was merely the faintest traces of these in the urine.

  2. At entrance the child was in semi-coma, with very strong sugar, diacetic acid and acetone reactions in the urine.

  3. The acetone was a little stronger than at entrance; the diacetic absent except on three days.

  4. We have not found that the acetone and diacetic acid output behaves in any constant manner during starvation; in some cases we have seen the acetone bodies disappear, in others we have seen them appear when they were not present before.

  5. On this diet she was putting out 8 grams of sugar a day with moderately strong acetone and diacetic acid reactions in her urine.

  6. She has been reporting to the Out-patient Department every two weeks, and has never had any sugar, acetone or diacetic acid in the urine, and appears to be in splendid condition.

  7. There was no diacetic reaction present at entrance.

  8. After the third day a moderate amount of diacetic acid appeared in the urine and continued.

  9. There had never been any diacetic acid in her urine, and only a trace of acetone.

  10. For the first few days after entrance he showed a moderate amount of acetone and a slight amount of diacetic acid in the urine; for the rest of his stay in the hospital these were absent.

  11. Illustration: A chart tracking acetone and diacetic acid for the month of April.

  12. Soda bicarbonate may be given, two drachms every three hours, if there is much evidence of acidosis, as indicated by strong acetone and diacetic acid reactions in the urine, or a strong acetone odor to the breath.

  13. After the baby is a few months old, orange juice is given between the morning feedings.

  14. Great care must be exercised in the dietetic treatment to prevent these organs from being overworked with a consequent development of nephritic conditions.

  15. If the solution is boiled for two minutes, the color from diacetic acid will disappear, owing to the unstableness of that substance, while that from the drugs will remain unchanged.

  16. If acidosis is evident, as may be indicated by an excretion of diacetic acid, oxybutyric acid, or acetone in the urine, alkalies may be given.

  17. Diacetic acid, oxybutyric acid, and acetone develop in diabetes as a result of the breaking down of the fats and the lack of certain neutralizing agents found chiefly in carbohydrate foods.

  18. A Burgundy red (red wine) color is obtained in the presence of diacetic acid.

  19. It is advisable to make the tests in the morning; those for sugar and diacetic acid should be made every day or, in some cases, every other day, as directed by the physician, and those for ammonia and albumen about once a week.

  20. The color does not disappear upon boiling, which excludes diacetic acid.

  21. Oxybutyric acid has much the same significance as diacetic acid, but is of more serious import.

  22. Diacetic acid may be present, and usually warrants an unfavorable prognosis.

  23. Diacetic acid occurs in the same conditions as acetone, but is less frequent and has more serious significance.

  24. When the disturbance is mild, acetone only appears; as it becomes more marked, diacetic acid is added, and finally beta-oxybutyric acid appears.

  25. If diacetic acid be present, the urine will assume a Bordeaux-red color which disappears upon boiling.

  26. The presence of diacetic acid interferes with the test.

  27. Acetone is derived from decomposition of diacetic acid, and this in turn from beta-oxybutyric acid by oxidation.

  28. The chloroform does not change color if diacetic acid be present, but becomes reddish-violet in its absence.

  29. For a time this agent was thought to be aceton; it is now believed by Von Jaksch to be diacetic acid.

  30. Jaksch, who has studied the subject industriously, believes that the red coloring substance is diacetic acid, and he proposes to call the condition diaceturia.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diacetic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.