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Example sentences for "directer"

Lexicographically close words:
direct; directa; directe; directed; directement; directest; directeth; directeur; directing; direction
  1. It was needful to consider how far there was a continuous transition between these excursions and directer transferences between mind and mind,--between telæsthesia and telepathy.

  2. It may assimilate its supernormal nutriment also by a directer process--it may devour it not only cooked but raw.

  3. By a different and directer method the same tendency operates, when we refer our temptations to the agency of the Devil, rather than to our descent from Adam.

  4. I shall content myself with producing three passages, which, though not of the directer kind, bear, I think, irresistibly on the point.

  5. The plane-directer of the surface is also so to all the paraboloids of “raccordement.

  6. The tangent plane at infinity is the plane-directer to all the paraboloids of “raccordement.

  7. And if there is a directer path to spiritual maturity than that which is ordinarily followed, is not the name for it Self-realisation?

  8. And so I say now, give us one thing in your older directer manner, just to show that, in spite of your paradoxical success in this unheard-of method, you can still write according to accepted canons.

  9. Now, although I am so devoid of Gottesbewustsein in the directer and stronger sense, yet there is something in me which makes response when I hear utterances made from that lead by others.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "directer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.