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Example sentences for "dissention"

Lexicographically close words:
dissenter; dissenters; dissentient; dissentients; dissenting; dissentions; dissentious; dissents; dissepiments; dissertation
  1. Moreouer (as in the fortie foure yeare of this king yee haue heard) he was the cheefe procurer and setter forward of the dissention that rose in the armie, which vnder the leading of sir Robert Knolles was sent into France.

  2. If such passions alone possess the breast, the scene of dissention becomes an object of horror; but a common opposition maintained by numbers, is always allayed by passions of another sort.

  3. Beleeue me, Lords, my tender yeeres can tell, Ciuill dissention is a viperous Worme, That gnawes the Bowels of the Common-wealth.

  4. Let this dissention first be tried by fight, And then your Highnesse shall command a Peace Som.

  5. Sidenote: Dissention betwéene the king and the parlement house.

  6. And first consider, what battell, what manslaughter, what mischeefe hath risen in this realme by the dissention betweene the two noble houses of Yorke & Lancaster.

  7. Sidenote: Dissention among the peeres of France made the earle of Richmond renew his sute and put him to his shifts.

  8. Sidenote: Dissention betwixt prince Edward and the earle of Glocester.

  9. He assured them that every reasonable effort had been made to adjust the causes of dissention with the Indians north of the Ohio, and yet war with them continued.

  10. Giving a big pow-wow at which some wampum was made, led to its downfall, there being dissention concerning its disposal.

  11. Second, to adjust a dissention among the chiefs and members of Hiawatha Tribe.

  12. This Careticus was a nourisher of ciuill warre and dissention amongst his owne people the Britains, so that he was hated both of God and man, as writers testifie.

  13. In the yeare that Titus Geganius and Publius Minutius were Consuls, when all thinges were quiet abrode, and dissention at home appeased, an other great mischiefe inuaded the citie.

  14. Cortez receyued greate pleasure to finde in that countrey dissention and discorde among some Noble menne, and at deuision among themselues, thynking thereby the better to bryng his purpose to passe.

  15. Hovv Cortez knevv of discorde and dissention to be in the Countrey.

  16. He was somewhat learned, and verie eloquent: he had also a verie good wit, but he applied it rather to set dissention betwixt the high estates and the low, than to anie other good purpose.

  17. The French nation, hearing of the ciuall dissention within the realme here, and for an old grudge seeking our annoie, two nauies appointed they to inuade the townes standing vpon the riuage of the sea.

  18. Sidenote: Dissention betwixt the duke of Glocester and the bishop of Winchester.

  19. After the warres foulie ended in forren parties, ciuill dissention began againe at home, diuided speciallie into two factions.

  20. The home is wrecked and sorrow and dissention come.

  21. But where other could not so well beare iniuries at others hands as happilie Wickham could, the fire of dissention cheeflie kindled thereof.

  22. For this and other matters, [Sidenote: Dissention amōg the Scotish nobilitie.

  23. However the cause of dissention was removed by a repeal of the statute, that had given offense.

  24. In the Omega 1-SGI, restless dissention had spread when the time of the last global war had finally come to pass.

  25. There came a frightening peace in Pomperaque, as there was a frightening quite, since no forms of dissention or negative thought was permitted under Manguino's own amendments to the Canon's Laws.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dissention" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.