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Example sentences for "dissociations"

Lexicographically close words:
dissociate; dissociated; dissociates; dissociating; dissociation; dissoluble; dissolue; dissolued; dissolute; dissoluteness
  1. And Hoch has shown by his researches into the histories of his dementia præcox patients, that this is also the case with them; dissociations or eccentricities were present before the onset of the illness.

  2. Hysterical dissociations belong to the superficial layers of the ego-complex--There are layers beyond the reach of dissociation--Effect of the hysterical attack.

  3. Here we come across the characteristic of all hysterical dissociations of consciousness.

  4. These are nothing but dramatic dissociations of her dream-self.

  5. Dissociations of memory, for instance, are seldom beyond the reach of hypnotic suggestion.

  6. But hysteria is in some ways a better dissecting agent than any other where delicate psychical dissociations are concerned.

  7. Louis Vivé exhibited an extraordinary number and variety of phases of personality, affording an extreme example of dissociations dependent on time-relations, on the special epoch of life in which the subject was ordered to find himself.

  8. From these dissociations and alternations of memory there will be many lessons to learn.

  9. From these volitional variations on the one side, from the ideational disturbances on the other, only a few steps lead to those dissociations of the personality which are characteristic of many graver cases of hysteria.

  10. Let us now see how these splits or dissociations take place.

  11. Just how these dissociations of the mind take place we do not yet know with any degree of certainty.

  12. Lumping the phenomena of amnesia, somnambulism, hypnotism, anesthesia, obsession and hysteria into the grand group of mental dissociations and disintegrations, he achieved a unification never considered possible before him.

  13. I cannot picture a modern medium actuated by high motives, but am ready to admit that even in our days there may be mystics whose dissociations arose from commendable origins.

  14. The perversions, thus prove themselves to be on the one hand inhibitions, and on the other dissociations from the normal development.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "dissociations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.