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Example sentences for "divinations"

Lexicographically close words:
divin; divinae; divinam; divinarum; divination; divinatory; divine; divined; divinely; divineness
  1. Divinations and soothsayings and dreams are vain.

  2. For the excellency of the soul, namely, its power of divining dreams; that several such divinations have been made, none Addison.

  3. Therefore you shall not see vain things, nor divine divinations any more, and I will deliver my people out of your hand: and you shall know that I am the Lord.

  4. And I will destroy the cities of thy land, and will throw down all thy strong holds, and I will take away sorceries out of thy hand, and there shall be no divinations in thee.

  5. Deceitful divinations and lying omens and the dreams of evildoers, are vanity: 34:6.

  6. How we rise from its delectable divinations with eyes sovereign and anointed for the day's occupations.

  7. Furthermore, the deponent stated that she had seen divinations with cards performed by the surgeon of the Swiss soldiers in the regiment called the regiment of Bretxa, now in Madrid.

  8. This person was summoned as she was supposed to be the lady of the house where the divinations were performed, from the description of Antonia; but I found, upon examining her, that she was not.

  9. She practised divinations with cards to ascertain whether any person would be rich or poor, married or single, or whether any one arriving from America brought money or not.

  10. With respect to Maria Tintorer, who is the proprietor of a house in the Calle de Farlandina where the divinations above referred to were performed, I think she has spoken the truth, and that her whole testimony may be credited.

  11. What would have been his emotions, if he had been told by some of his occult divinations that the boy he cherished and wept over would lift his hand against his life, and endeavour to pluck the crown from his living head?

  12. Popular poets are the parish priests of the Muse, retailing her ancient divinations to a long since converted public.

  13. Mythology and ritual, with the sundry divinations of poets, might in fact be kept suspended with advantage over human passion and ignorance, to furnish them with decent expression.

  14. Now divinations seem to differ merely according to the various signs whence the foreknowledge of the future is derived.

  15. Accordingly we must say that all such like divinations are superstitious and unlawful, if they be extended beyond the limits set according to the order of nature or of divine providence.

  16. Therefore superstition, which is opposed to religion, is not specified according to divinations of human occurrences, or by the observances of certain human actions.

  17. Qui divinationes): "Those who seek for divinations shall be liable to a penance of five years' duration, according to the fixed grades of penance.

  18. Therefore all divinations are of one species.

  19. Those astrologers whom they call mathematicians, I consulted without scruple; because they seemed to use no sacrifice, nor to pray to any spirit for their divinations which art, however, Christian and true piety rejects and condemns.

  20. Divinations and certain observances come under the head of superstition, in so far as they depend on certain actions of the demons: and thus they pertain to compacts made with them.

  21. Hence it is that the Romans, in their divinations from birds, chiefly regard the vulture, though Herodorus Ponticus relates that Hercules was always very joyful when a vulture appeared to him upon any action.

  22. Babylon stood at the parting of the way, at the head of two wayes to use divination, he made his arrows bright, he consulted with Images, he looked in the Liver; at the right hand were the divinations of Jerusalem.

  23. Of some Divinations and ridiculous diductions from one part of the year to another.

  24. They counterpoise their own divinations with the present evils; and because they will not cure the brain to the prejudice of the stomach, they injure both with their dissentient and tumultuary drugs.

  25. The first party unsuccessfully endeavoured to elude the laws prohibitory of sacrifices and divinations by concealing their religious ceremonies under the form of convivial meetings.

  26. Only men who have taken heads are permitted to make divinations of fire at the tuba-fishing, and if all the elders have tried and failed the fishing is delayed one day.

  27. It is curious to find even the garter an object of superstition, being employed by young women in their love divinations on Midsummer Eve, a period, it must be remembered, considered most propitious for such ceremonies.

  28. In a previous chapter we have already shown how numerous are the divinations practised in love affairs, and what an importance is attached to them by the maiden bent on ascertaining her lot in the marriage state.

  29. Lycurgus, Numa, Ion and Deucalion, alike sanctified men, by prayers and oaths and divinations and oracles bringing them into touch with the divine in their hopes and fears.

  30. Should its cry come from the direction in which they are going, they will not venture a step farther until certain divinations have been performed that they may learn the nature of the calamity about to befall them.

  31. She herself seems to have been surprised[57] at the real success of divinations which formerly may have been, in her hands, only deceptions.

  32. But evidently there was something about those divinations of which they seemed ashamed and which they wished to forget.

  33. They sometimes reach the divinations of genius: thus Bernardi, at the Florence Asylum in 1529, wished to show the existence of language among apes.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "divinations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.