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Example sentences for "docter"

Lexicographically close words:
dockside; dockyard; dockyards; docs; docta; docther; docthor; docti; doctissimus; docto
  1. And abought Easter tearme followinge, the people callinge exsedinglie for yt, this examynate obtayned a new edition of the said Docter Hayward wherein many thinges weire altered from the former, and yet the vollume incresed.

  2. He sayth that Docter Hayward beinge a meere strainger to this examynant, cam to hym and requested hym to printe the booke intytuled "Henry the Fourth," which he did in Februarye, 1599.

  3. At this Court is gyven unto M{r} Docter Crooke the some of 5{li} for that he did dedicate a booke unto this Companie & gave one of them unto this howse.

  4. Then the docter looked monstrous wise at the baby, for ’bout a minit, and if you could jest seed the wimmin lookin’ at him.

  5. In a minit more the docter laid his saddle-bags on the table.

  6. It ain’t only three miles to town, and Selim’s one of the fastest hosses in Georgia, but it seemed like the docter would never cum.

  7. I wish the docter would cum,” ses all of ’em.

  8. But to swear that Docter Saunders Assaulted her, ’twixt me and you, She must tell it to the devil, For with us that tale won’t do.

  9. Ef Miss Sally'll des tu'n dem docter mens loose onter me, I lay I lick up der physic twel dey go off 'stonish'd.

  10. Docter Pitman said the roots must have reached way to the back of my neck.

  11. Teribl 3 i wanted them to mark old docter Soule to paist sum nite but they woodent do it becaus they sed we was all townies and we woodent notise the academy.

  12. Johnsons ofice and throwed docter Johnson out of one winder and docter Prey out of the other and Gim Melcher down stairs.

  13. Docter Perry sed if Beany had eny mind he shood say sumthing was praying on it.

  14. Tilton and he had been prety badly bit by him and that docter Perry and docter Swet and docter Perrum had all been called and it was moar than a hour befoar they stoped the flow of blood.

  15. Lucy Watson what was the matter with him and she sed Docter Perry sed he was in a low nervus stait.

  16. Soule and gess there wasent enny time i was ther after the ferst weak that i woodent rather pay for 2 windows than to have docter Soule ast me questions about what i had did.

  17. When a man who had lost a leg felt the need for an artificial one, he appealed to Grenfell: Docter plase I whant to see you.

  18. Docter sir have you got a leg if you have Will you plase send him Down Praps he may fet and you would oblig.

  19. Which o' ye now will step down to Killarney, and tell the docter he's wanted up here wi a' despatch?

  20. Keene and Cele and Georgie are all sick now and the docter says it is scarlet fever.

  21. Mrs Carter continues no better, A messenger is sent for Docter Jones, with orders, that if he is from Home to pursue him.

  22. Late last Evening the Packets came in: In the Pennsylvania Gazette I saw that Docter Elmer of my acquaintance in Jersey; & Docter Jones at whose House I dined Last Sunday are created members of the American Philosophical Society.

  23. After Sermon Ben & I rode to Docter Jones's; he was from home.

  24. Docter Jones spent the Evening with us; He complimented Ben Bob, & myself with an invitation to dine with him next Sunday.

  25. After studying some time over the matter the docter said: "Well it's a good thing to get well on any terms.

  26. The good docter soon after departed, as he plainly saw his services were no longer needed.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "docter" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.