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Example sentences for "drooped"

Lexicographically close words:
droo; drooled; drooling; droon; droop; drooping; droops; droopy; drop; drope
  1. She held out her hand to him--an indifferent hand that drooped limply in his--and he took his leave of them in the middle of the room.

  2. One of the bedroom windows was open, and the customary short blind, with its brass upper rail partly unfastened, drooped obliquely across the vacant space.

  3. A choking lump rose to her throat, her head drooped in silent misery upon the little bundle that she had caught suddenly to her breast.

  4. And to this place, upon which he had lavished what remained of his fortune, Philbrook brought his wife and little daughter, as strange to their surroundings as the delicate flowers which pined and drooped in that unfriendly soil.

  5. He wondered why the fair, sweet face grew as pale as a snow-drop, and the cold little fingers trembled in his clasp, and the velvety eyes drooped beneath his earnest gaze.

  6. A lovely color was deepening in her cheeks, and her eyes drooped shyly.

  7. His hands were clinging to her own, his dark, handsome face drooped near hers, his pleading eyes searching her very soul.

  8. Now her heart called for something it had not yet divined, but the perplexed soul was wistfully gazing upward through the thick clouds that drooped so closely about her, and a feeble wail issued from beneath the sombre darkness.

  9. Her soft cheek wore a deeper tint than was usual to it, and her long lashes drooped lower, casting a sombre shade beneath them, and that was all.

  10. Somehow I feel secure in the belief that I shall be shielded and brought through it all," and the fair head drooped for awhile on her hand, and the joyful tears came and baptised afresh her trembling new-born hope.

  11. And the heavy lids drooped again over the large eyes where such a joyous light seemed burning.

  12. Mr. Randolph caught her, and she drooped limply against him.

  13. One driving behind him would have observed that the Honourable Hilary's horse took his own gaits, and that the reins, most of the time, drooped listlessly on his quarters.

  14. She drooped like the flower she was, and one spring day my grandfather led me to receive her blessing and to be folded for the last time in those dear arms.

  15. At the point of the bluff a large flag drooped against its staff, and I did not have to be told that this was General Grant's headquarters.

  16. When she was out of sight, tail and ears drooped and he came in of his own accord, soberly lying down on the Thunder-and-Lightning Rug, beside his leash.

  17. On the second occasion it was intoned at the tiny grave, above which Sigurd drooped a puzzled head, not understanding a game that had in it neither romp nor laughter.

  18. The inevitable white curtains were fluttering freshly from the window, over which a huge matrimony vine drooped lazily and rung its pink and white bells to invite the passing bees.

  19. Her head drooped lower until her face was hidden, but she did not answer.

  20. Some pointed up and some down; some were straight and some were curled; some drooped about his feet and others curved gracefully over his head; some trailed far behind.

  21. Slowly Mr. Lobel's head drooped forward as though an unseen hand pressed against the back of his neck.

  22. His eyes drooped heavily, his lips were wreathed in a jovial feline smile.

  23. Gradually she drooped her eyes, and slowly moved away.

  24. The cayuse spread his legs, drooped his head, and the flanks of his lean belly pumped as if his lungs were parched.

  25. The giant pines that had drooped beneath the weight of their white mantles were now dropping to earth huge masses of snow; the sky above was blue and suffused with gold from a climbing sun.

  26. Her head drooped lower, lower, with each instant.

  27. Yuki's lids drooped under the blinding force of his look.

  28. What a magic wand was deserved success; how it touched with fairy aspect all that drooped with the fearsome blight of anticipated decay!

  29. Allis was thinking very fast; her head, with its great wealth of black hair, drooped low in heavy meditation.

  30. Her head drooped lower and her cheek faintly flushed.

  31. Walter went out, whistling; and Adams drooped into his old chair again as the door closed.

  32. The country round them was open, yet ornamentally wooded, and rocks and trees hung or drooped over the waters.

  33. We lost ground fast, and it was astonishing to remark how soon the men's spirits drooped again under their first efforts.

  34. One of the figures in the boat drooped forward and sagged limply over his oars.

  35. But that may have been because, as she paused, her hands went to her breast and a furrow came between her brows, while the corners of her lips drooped wistfully like a child's.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drooped" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.