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Example sentences for "drynk"

Lexicographically close words:
drygoods; drying; dryish; dryly; dryness; drynke; dryue; dryuen; dryve; dryven
  1. Lakkyt the eyther mete or drynk in kyng Herowdes halle?

  2. Lakit me neyther mete ne drynk in kyng Herowdes halle: Ther is a chyld in Bedlem born is beter than we alle.

  3. Baith meit and drynk the hostillar gert be brocht.

  4. At drynk thai ar, so haiff thai bene rycht lang; 1090 ‘Gret worde thar is of Wallace thaim amang.

  5. We may get meit off bestiall in this land; ‘Gud drynk as now we can nocht bryng to hand.

  6. Thai lugyt thar till aucht dayis was at end; Off meit and drynk thai had inewch to spend; Turssyt furth ger, that Sothroun had brocht thar; Gert byrn the boit, till Sanct Jhonstoun thai fair.

  7. Ane Ingliss captane was sittand wp so lait, Quhill he and his with drynk was maid full mait.

  8. Wallange thai maid thair stwart for to be; Off meit and drynk thai fand aboundandlé.

  9. Ill meyt and drynk thai gert on till hym gyff, 155 Gret merwaille was lang tyme gif he mycht leyff: And ek thar to he was in presoune law, Quhill thai thocht tyme on him to hald the law.

  10. Bathe meite and drynk at his wille he had thar.

  11. When we swete or swynk, 195 Thou dos what thou thynk, Yit of mete and of drynk Haue we veray skant.

  12. Childir to engendir oys Venus, and not invane; Hant na surfat, drynk bot quhen thou art dry.

  13. Mary, quod the prest, for the gentylman told me ye were dysseasyd with the chyncough, and prayd me therfor that for a medecyne ye might drynk of the chales.

  14. Nay, quod the preest, he spake to me of no typet, but he desyred me to gyue yow drynk of the chales for the chyncough.

  15. Thys preste, whan mas was done, putte wyne in the chales, and cam to the skoler knelyng in the pew, profferyng hym to drynk of the chales.

  16. Tille the nynte daye byfelle That he come to a welle, Ther he was wonte for to duelle And drynk take hym thare.

  17. Pershore, who says that his brother monks of that house "drynk an bowll after collacyon tell ten or xii.

  18. Pytte and Rychard and Edward drynk the xld.

  19. Thow hest fed us with the bread of tearis, and hath gevin to us tearis to drynk in great measure.

  20. Maister Gavin Hammyltoun[1027] cryed with a lowd voce, "Drynk now as ye have browen.

  21. And first, to your drinking, I say, that yf ye eyther eat or drynk without assurance of Goddis worde, that in so doing ye displease God, and ye synne into your verray eatting and drynking.

  22. I had gret cher, he comaunded me to be had into the seler, and for to drynk wyne and ale bothe; and so I had and goode chere.

  23. Lakit me neyther mete ne drynk in king Herowdes halle; There is a chyld in Bedlem born, is beter than we alle.

  24. Lakkyt the eyther mete or drynk in kyng Herodwes halle?

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drynk" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.