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Example sentences for "drynke"

Lexicographically close words:
drying; dryish; dryly; dryness; drynk; dryue; dryuen; dryve; dryven; dryveth
  1. Or ellys schal̴l̴ we none gete, Mete nor drynke to owre honde.

  2. Of mete and drynke he gan her pray, TO EARN HIS There of he hadde gret nede.

  3. Si buuerons ung trait; So shall we drynke a draught; [Sidenote: P.

  4. Thus his sermon beinge endyd, they gaue hym his money agayne that thay tooke frome hym, and ij^{s} to drynke for hys sermon.

  5. And bad hem souke for synne Safly at his breste, And drynke boote for bale, Brouke it who so myghte.

  6. But if he be blynd or broke-legged, Or bolted with irens, He shall ete whete breed, 4070 And drynke with myselve, Til God of his goodnesse Amendement hym sende.

  7. That oon vesture, From cold thee to save; And mete at meel For mysese of thiselve; And drynke whan thow driest; Ac do noght out of reson, That thow worthe the wers 510 Whan thow werche sholdest.

  8. Ac I hote thee," quod Hunger, "As thow thyn hele wilnest, 4320 That thow drynke no day Er thow dyne som what.

  9. I ete there unthende fisshe, And feble ale drynke; Ac outher while whan wyn cometh, Thanne I drynke wyn at eve, And have a flux of a foul mouth Wel fyve dayes after.

  10. And thanne wolde I be prest to the peple Paast for to make, 8530 And buxom and busy Aboute breed and drynke For hym and for alle hise, Founde I that his pardon Mighte lechen a man, As I bileve it sholde.

  11. Of mete ne drynke he ne roghte, So fulle he was of care!

  12. Ther shal a man be clenly serued at his table, & well ordred and vsed for meate & drynke & lodgyng.

  13. And aftre thei maken to come in, other damyselles, bryngynge coupes of gold, fulle of mylk of dyverse bestes, and zeven drynke to lordes and to ladyes.

  14. And thare ete thay nought but flesche with outen brede; and thay soupe the brothe there of: and also thay drynke the mylk.

  15. In that partie is a welle, that in the day it is so cold, that no man may drynke there offe; and in the nyght it so hoot, that no man may suffre his hond there in.

  16. And the mayre seynge that hys place was occupyd hylde hym contente, and went home agayne with-owt mete or drynke or any thonke, but rewarde hym he dyd as hys dygnyte requyred of the cytte.

  17. And no dede to do bote drynke and to slepe.

  18. Serche also yf [thou] haue grutched for mete or drynke or other necessaryes for bycause they were not gyue to the after thy pleasyr.

  19. Loke also yf [thou] haue synned in moche takynge of mete & drynke / or ony other necessaryes more than nede requyred &c.

  20. Well then, sayde Skelton, when you have thys signed of the kyng, then wyll I labour for a patent to have bread, that you wyth your drynke and I with the bread may fare well, and seeke our livinge with bagge and staffe.

  21. Now fetche us meate and drynke ynoughe, And let us make good chere.

  22. XIV She fetchèd hym meate and drynke plentye, Lyke a true wedded wyfe; And pleasèd hym with that she had, Whom she loved as her lyfe.

  23. It will restore a man to hys color shortly yf a man after the longe use of the bathe drynke of it after he is come forthe oute of the bath.

  24. Of wine made of it, he says: "If they drynk thys drynke they shall fele no payne, but they shall fall into a forgetfull and slepishe drowsiness.

  25. Isop is hoot and drie in ij degreis so seith Ipocrace if a man drynke it fastynge.

  26. She fetched hym meate and drynke plentye, Lyke a true wedded wyfe; And pleased hym with that she had, 55 Whome she loved as her lyfe.

  27. But first, quod he, her at this ale-stake[175] I wil bothe drynke and byten on a cake.

  28. And mete and drynke this night wil I brynge Inough for the, and clothes for thy beddynge.

  29. And then, as she myght not go herself, she had a servant propyer therefore, whiche rode upon a lytell hors, and bare with him grete plente of good mete and drynke for to gyve to the poure and seke folk there as they were.

  30. But may I drynke thereof whylest that I stare?

  31. In brewyng, in bakynge, in dressynge of meate, Yf ye lacke water, what coulde ye drynke or eate?

  32. And they gaue their father wyne to drynke that same nyghte.

  33. And she made hast and toke doune hir pitcher from of hir/ ad sayd: drinke/ and I will geue thy camels drynke also.

  34. Thou art a shrewed dettour,’ sayd the abbot; ‘Syr justyce, drynke to me.

  35. She feched hym meate and drynke plenty, Lyke a true wedded wyfe; And pleased hym with that she had, Whome she loved as her lyfe.

  36. Fyll of the best wyne,’ sayd Robyn, ‘This monke shall drynke to me.

  37. Now feche us meate and drynke ynough, And let us make good chere.

  38. And yelde it to his mayster, Be it never so fyne; For no man wyll I spare, So drynke I ale or wyne; 400.

  39. Goe fetche mee lofe of your wheitan breide And ane other coppe of wyne; For drynke I quhile myne doublet ryve, For drynke I moste repine.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drynke" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.