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Example sentences for "each pair"

  • These are sometimes stiffened by thongs from frame head to keelson at each pair, to steady the frame while the gunwale is being bent.

  • In the process of fitting the outwales, the battens along the sides may have to be removed and replaced, or shifted, and the cross-ties of each pair of outside stakes may require adjustment.

  • The tops of each pair of opposite stakes are now tied together with a thong of basswood or cedar bark, to hold them rigid and upright.

  • While thus bent, each pair is wrapped lengthwise over the end with a strip of basswood or cedar bark to hold the ribs in shape.

  • Each pair of these small wheels, like the driving-wheels, is fixed upon their axle.

  • Thus, let A, B be the first, C, D the second pair, A and C being the first points in each pair.

  • Illustration: Net for capturing pigeons] [Illustration: Pigeon roost] Each pair of pigeons will need two nesting compartments.

  • Two nest dishes are provided for each pair, as very often the hen will lay a second pair of eggs before the earliest young ones are ready to leave the nest.

  • It is very desirable, whether raising squabs for market or for pets, to keep a record of the performance of each pair.

  • Each pair of legs has a joint for folding and this joint is made by boring a hole in the middle of each leg, inserting a bolt and riveting it over washers with a washer placed between the legs as shown in Fig.

  • Bevel the ends of the knee braces and fasten the upper ends of each pair to the post with one 9-in.

  • Each pair of wheels is fitted on a 1/4-in.

  • The lateral angles between the two arm-pairs are equal, while the posterior and the anterior angle (between the two arms of each pair) are more or less different.

  • Cubosphaerida# with two concentric lattice-spheres and six simple spines of different sizes in pairs; the two opposite spines of each pair equal, the three pairs unequal.

  • Cubosphaerida# with one simple lattice-sphere and six simple spines in pairs different; the two opposite spines of each pair equal, the three pairs unequal.

  • The genus Staurolonchidium has arisen from Staurolonche by the stronger growth of the two opposite spines, the other two remaining stationary; both spines of each pair equal.

  • This contract provided that work on each pair of tunnels should be carried on from two shafts.

  • From the end of the single-track tunnel westward to Fifth Avenue on 33d Street, and to Madison Avenue on 32d Street, with some exceptions, each pair of tunnels was excavated for the entire width at one operation.

  • In the following list one word in each pair is simpler, oftentimes much simpler, than the other; yet both are of classic origin.

  • Then test your knowledge by embodying each word of each pair in a sentence, or in an illustration like those of the race-track and the bear in the preceding paragraphs.

  • Each pair of plates constitutes a set, which may be put into the presses, and removed at pleasure.

  • The condition that the velocity of each pair of points of contact must be equal leads to the following consequences:-- III.

  • Each pair of rolls is geared together, so that both the top and bottom rolls act to give a positive feed.

  • The upper row of this series of pairs being taken from column 14, and the lower row from the extreme right-hand column, the numbers in each pair being on the same horizontal line.

  • We place the pieces in pairs, and mark on each pair a circle a little larger than the required finished size of flange.

  • Each pair of opposite pistons was secured together by a rigid connecting rod, connected to a pin on a rotating crankshaft which was mounted eccentrically to the axis of rotation of the cylinders.

  • Each pair of you has been assigned a suite of rooms in Galaxian Hall.

  • Each pair of you is the highest development of a planet, perhaps of a solar system.

  • He suggested procedures and techniques to be employed in the opening up of each pair's volume of space.

  • Only one member of each pair is represented in the diagrams of this and the next series.

  • The members in each pair of objects in this group were not exposed simultaneously.

  • Both the figures in each pair of this series were of the same material (granite-gray cardboard) and of the same area and outline, but the content of one of the two was varied with dark lines for the most part concentric with the periphery.

  • It thus comes about that the attachment of each pair of limbs is somewhat on a slant, and that the pelvic pair nearly meet each other in the median ventral line shortly behind the anus.

  • The ventral nerve cords are covered on their ventral side by a thick ganglionic layer[462], and at each pair of feet they dilate into a small but distinct ganglionic swelling.

  • The ventral cords at first sight appear to be without ganglionic thickenings, but on more careful examination they are found to be enlarged at each pair of legs (Pl.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "each pair" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    black folk; each about; each according; each atom; each child; each composed; each cylinder; each element; each face; each front; each hand; each knight; each meal; each member; each one; each order; each period; each person; each piece; each platoon; each pole; each room; each second; each section; each ship; each week