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Example sentences for "effectually"

Lexicographically close words:
effectiveness; effectives; effects; effectual; effectuall; effectuate; effectuated; effectuating; effectuation; effectum
  1. Cultivated but narrow-minded, highly independent and wholly perverse, he satisfied no aspiration of the Whigs and paved the way effectually for the Democrat who succeeded him.

  2. This effectually disposed of any possible theory as to Jonathan and his wife having mistaken somebody else for Savareen.

  3. There was a sort of ghastly undercurrent in the Squire's sarcasms that effectually deprived them of anything mirthful.

  4. Thence he marched on Charlottesville, destroying effectually the railroad and bridges as he went, which place he reached on the 3d.

  5. It was the original design to hold Atlanta, and by getting through to the coast, with a garrison left on the southern railroads, leading east and west, through Georgia, to effectually sever the east from the west.

  6. At this famous assembly various donations were made to the Templars, to enable them to provide more effectually for the defence of the Holy Land.

  7. Nothing so effectually ends all jealousies, animosities, and prejudices as the assassin's dagger.

  8. The navy had done wonders, and the southern coast was effectually blockaded.

  9. All lights visible from seaward shall be effectually obscured.

  10. Our battleships and submarines will command the Channel, and all the seas; cutting off supplies so effectually that Great Britain will be starved into submission, even before our transports and Zeppelins land their invading forces.

  11. From that resource they were effectually cut out.

  12. Only vigorous Spiritual Life will enable a Salvation Army Officer to effectually discharge the duties connected with his position.

  13. This clause had been very effectually disposed of by Messrs.

  14. When, in early autumn, the meteorological conditions indicate the approach of frost, the pumps may he put to work in the afternoon and the berries be effectually covered by water and thus protected before nightfall.

  15. It was a most enlivening sight to see them scouring over the plain as we advanced; but our large party, and three red flags streaming in the breeze, effectually prevented us from getting sufficiently near for a shot.

  16. While all remained hot, a quantity of melted pewter was poured into the chinks, and drove out the remainder of the tallow, thus effectually filling up every crevice.

  17. Pastoral tribes do not employ much wood for fuel or for construction, but they carelessly or recklessly burn down the forests, and their cattle effectually check the growth of young trees wherever their range extends.

  18. If then man could accumulate and control the forces which he is able effectually to resist, he might be said to be physically speaking, omnipotent.

  19. Nothing more effectually disintegrates a cohesive soil than freezing and thawing, and the surface of earth which has just undergone those processes is more subject to erosion by running water than under any other circumstances.

  20. Several genera and numerous species, which are separated by the intervention of only a few miles of land, are effectually prevented from mingling by the Cape, and do not pass from one side to the other.

  21. Neither these severe penalties, nor any provisions devised by the ingenuity of modern legislation, have been able effectually to repress poaching.

  22. Nature protects the seeds of wild, much more effectually than those of domesticated plants.

  23. For answer he held it up in front of his face, but the most of it being hole, it did not hide the eyes that twinkled so merrily that my housewifely reproof was effectually silenced.

  24. A steady rain had set in early in the afternoon, effectually drowning my hopes of a longer wood-land walk that day, but I was then, and many a time since then have been, well content that it was so.

  25. Now let it be asked, has not Mr. Orde done this most completely and effectually with respect to the general body of the state?

  26. For a period the passage is effectually closed; but no force must be employed to overcome the obstacle.

  27. The practitioner should so prepare his acts as to prevent the dog in the first instance from effectually resisting, and the animal mastered at the commencement is usually afterwards submissive.

  28. The pole will so effectually separate these unwilling--but still too intimate--associates, that you need not muzzle the dog.

  29. If ever you have fears that you may be unable to prevent a dog's breaking away to worry sheep, hunt him in a muzzle of a size that will not interfere with his breathing, and yet effectually prevent the wide extension of his jaws.

  30. But it cannot be effectually taught without creating more or less awe, and it should create awe.

  31. When the hairs at the orifice are matted together, it is best to snip them away, which will not only remove a present inconvenience, but effectually prevent its recurrence.

  32. It is essential in this system of breaking that this first lesson should be so effectually taught that nothing shall induce the dog to move, and one quarter of an hour will generally effect this.

  33. Heat will effectually do this; and hot clothes, bags of sand, or bottles, are placed against the belly for that purpose.

  34. When I was dressed, I looked at myself with some surprise; I was, indeed, effectually disguised.

  35. Not daring to venture into the streets by themselves, they spent the money at the bar, and so effectually that, when their entertainer returned, both were very drunk and very quarrelsome.

  36. The guest then wrapped his garments about him so as to shelter himself as effectually as he could from the rough weather, and without any word or sign of farewell betook himself to the stableyard.

  37. Thereupon Messrs Cobb and Daisy laughed, and nodded, and Parkes was looked upon as thoroughly and effectually put down.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "effectually" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.