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Example sentences for "ejaculates"

Lexicographically close words:
eiusdem; eiusmodi; ejaculate; ejaculated; ejaculating; ejaculation; ejaculations; ejaculatory; eject
  1. I've heard of you," ejaculates a voice in the crowd of lookers-on.

  2. Thar," ejaculates the old Judge, his moody face becoming dark and sullen, "let us have the wish.

  3. He's such a heavy swell, he don't want to make his fortune," ejaculates Butts.

  4. And a jolly night it was, James," ejaculates the Colonel.

  5. Moss of Wardour Street, one hundred and twenty--I believe I have paid him thousands in this very transaction," ejaculates Honeyman.

  6. The clergyman, in his surplice, reads the touching service in a clear and impressive voice, while Pomp, in a pair of antique spectacles, ejaculates the responses in a voice peculiar to his race.

  7. Amen," ejaculates Sir Percy's man with fervor, at the same time fixing a contemplative and shrewd eye on his companion.

  8. So meditates and ejaculates hurt Patriotism, with ever-deepening ever-widening fervour, for the space of six and thirty hours.

  9. Garat Minister of Justice has to go to the Temple, with this stern message: he ejaculates repeatedly, "Quelle commission affreuse, What a frightful function!

  10. Half-way engaged," ejaculates Harry with a sigh.

  11. He has no thought for any woman but me," mentally ejaculates Eleanor, as she follows on Braye du Valle.

  12. It's Deacon Staggers of Pineville; nobody doubts his generosity," ejaculates Romescos, in a growling tone.

  13. Big as well as little fish bring up here," ejaculates one.

  14. Franconia they seem," she ejaculates frantically, the bystanders looking on with surprise.

  15. An analysis of variance showed that in this comparison the differences between first and second ejaculates in sperm survival during freezing were highly significant.

  16. The results obtained in freezing several consecutive ejaculates are shown in Figure 1 as averages for the ejaculates from 6 bulls.

  17. The fact that second ejaculates sometimes withstood freezing better than first ejaculates suggested that the maturity of the sperm might be a factor affecting freezability.

  18. During the course of a number of experiments, it was possible to compare the freezability of 2 ejaculates that were collected a few minutes apart from the same bull.

  19. Portions of 12 ejaculates were frozen and stored at -79 deg.

  20. With the development of the procedure of stimulating sexual excitement by restraint prior to collecting semen, this difference between first and second ejaculates has been greatly reduced.

  21. In order to define more clearly the optimum glycerol level, several ejaculates of semen were subsampled and portions were frozen after the addition of yolk-citrate extender and glycerol in varying quantities.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ejaculates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.