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Example sentences for "ejaculation"

Lexicographically close words:
ejaculate; ejaculated; ejaculates; ejaculating; ejaculations; ejaculatory; eject; ejected; ejecting
  1. It is implied by this ejaculation that the two ladies were admirable beauties, evidences of the perfection of their Creator.

  2. This ejaculation is generally uttered at the mention of a deceased Muslim.

  3. Ejaculation (located on the first day of the novena).

  4. Ejaculation (located on the first day of the Novena).

  5. She uttered a loud scream and an ejaculation of terror, and at the same moment the hand was quietly withdrawn.

  6. The ejaculation hum is a sacred utterance, like the bellowing of a bull, accomplished by a contact of the tongue with the palate, an imitation of the sound hudung, ascribed to a bull, like the exclamation Vashat.

  7. Recitation is the muttered ejaculation of sacred texts, with attention to what they mean, the rehearsal of hymns and lauds of Vishnu, the commemoration of his names, and study of institutes which set forth the truth.

  8. For a time the man by the hall door watched in silent amazement; then with a low ejaculation he softly let himself out of the house, and hurried back to the hotel.

  9. With a smothered ejaculation Jim picked up the lamp, hurried into the sick-room, and tiptoed to the bed.

  10. With a low ejaculation he hurried forward.

  11. Archy uttered an ejaculation full of contempt, and snatched the proffered toy and hurled it as far as he could.

  12. Christopher uttered an ejaculation more eloquent than words.

  13. Phoebe heard his scream and his flying footstep, and uttered an ejaculation of fear.

  14. It was believed that ejaculation in the woman is as necessary to fecundation as ejaculation in the man.

  15. As sexual intercourse without fecundation is not approved by the Catholic Church, it thus became logically necessary to permit women to masturbate whenever the ejaculation of mucus had not occurred at or before coitus.

  16. Niceforo refers to an Italian work-girl of 14 who could obtain ejaculation of mucus four times a day, in the workroom in the presence of the other girls, without touching herself or moving her body, by simply thinking of sexual things.

  17. A half-smothered ejaculation came from his lips as he turned fiercely towards Ben.

  18. That's so," was the universal ejaculation of Ben's audience when he reached this point in his narrative, and there seemed to be little more to be said on either side.

  19. But Dick clubbed the pistol from his hand, whereupon the captain, with merely an ejaculation of annoyance, turned and fled after his retreating forces.

  20. At Dick's first words to Catherine, the Landgrave, with a sudden ejaculation and frown, had turned and walked precipitately from the room.

  21. The ejaculation of thanksgiving that followed was distinctly audible to the two, but it was clearly mingled with, a groan of pain.

  22. Cap gave an ejaculation as he witnessed this ungrateful exhibition, and he cast a quick suspicious glance at his brother-in-law.

  23. His delighted comrades, now that the spell was broken, naturally hoped that the sudden ejaculation was but a preliminary to a permanent loosening of the hitherto tied tongue; but they were doomed to disappointment.

  24. The tone of the ejaculation plainly indicated escape, or at any rate temporary relief from a severe nerve-racking strain.

  25. She raised her head as though about to answer Edward's ejaculation but sighed instead and fell again to her incessant tapping.

  26. The ejaculation contained a note of triumph.

  27. Jerry gave vent to her favorite ejaculation the instant the proprietor of the restaurant had left them.

  28. This time the ejaculation came involuntarily.

  29. For the instant I was safe, and I uttered a devout ejaculation of thanksgiving for my escape.

  30. All Serene~, an ejaculation of acquiescence.

  31. Domino~, a common ejaculation of soldiers and sailors when they receive the last lash of a flogging.

  32. I brought up out of the depths of 'The Last Day' the following ejaculation of a soul roused by the trump of resurrection: Father of mercies!

  33. Their ejaculation in the face of any dilemma was, 'Let us cast it before the Lord!

  34. He had uttered that ejaculation so sharply that the woman started, and recoiled from him, in ignorance of the fact that she had touched the key-note that had set the fibres of his memory athrill.

  35. It was an ejaculation full of pain and sorrow.

  36. David's ejaculation as the boys saw Jimmie at the hilltop being captured by the German.

  37. Ned's ejaculation of despair as he realized that the words of the stranger were but too true.

  38. The favourite ejaculation of the unwashed scoundrels who are always ready to redress grievances and hunt down their fellow-creatures for the crimes they glory in themselves--when they can commit them safely.

  39. The last ejaculation was drawn out into a long sigh, followed by a heavy, regular breathing.

  40. His pious ejaculation was consequent upon the fact that his friend, the curate, was approaching in company with Leo.

  41. Mrs Milt had nearly reached the room, when she uttered an ejaculation of horror, and, setting down the tray upon the carpet, ran swiftly back to close a baize door.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ejaculation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    blowout; discharge; ejaculation; ejection; elimination; emission; eruption; exclamation; expletive; expulsion; extrusion; flow; flux; interjection; outburst; secretion; spout; spurt; squirt