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Example sentences for "endotracheal"

Lexicographically close words:
endorses; endorsing; endosperm; endothelial; endothelium; endow; endowed; endowing; endowment; endowments
  1. Whispers succeeded wonder, and murmurs took the place of curiosity.

  2. Chapman had provided generously, both of wines and cigars, which might have seemed strange to one of his Dogtown acquaintances.

  3. Only insofar as I held the endotracheal connector in place into the tracheotomy tube.

  4. As soon as the tracheotomy was completed, we removed the endotracheal tube and hooked the anesthesia machine to the tracheotomy tube and efforts were made then to put in a chest tube, an anterior chest tube.

  5. I assisted him in fitting the tube from the Bird machine to the endotracheal tube and I assisted in removing some of the President's clothes and did the cutdown on his leg.

  6. I believe we were to where the endotracheal tube had been inserted.

  7. I did not see Governor Connally myself until he had been taken into the operating room and had had an endotracheal tube placed in his larynx and had been anesthetized.

  8. Carrico had just introduced an endotracheal tube, I'm very proud of him for this because it's not as easy as it sounds.

  9. I assisted in withdrawing the endotracheal tube from the throat as Dr.

  10. President Kennedy still had an endotracheal tube, an oro-tracheal tube in place, and the connector from this to the Bird respirator was removed.

  11. Carrico had just placed an endotracheal tube and I participated in applying the Bird machine respirator into the endotracheal tube for artificial respiration.

  12. The endotracheal tube was inserted past this injury, the cuff inflated, and the tube was connected to a respirator to assist the inadequate respiration.

  13. He had placed an endotracheal tube in the President's trachea for artificial respiration.

  14. James Carrico, Doctor Carrico in inserting the endotracheal tube noted a ragged wound of trachea immediately below the larynx.

  15. He was attaching the Bennett apparatus to an endotracheal tube in place to assist his respiration.

  16. After the endotracheal tube was inserted and connected, I listened briefly to his chest, respirations were better but still inadequate.

  17. He was cyanotic, very blue and although he also was attempting respirations, they were not effective, and an endotracheal tube was placed in him by one of the anesthesiologists, I think Dr.

  18. Looked very briefly at the head wound and then because of his inadequate respirations inserted an endotracheal tube to attempt to support these respirations.

  19. No, sir; and even had he been, of course, once we had the endotracheal tube in he could not have spoken.

  20. Will you describe briefly what you mean in lay terms by a cuffed endotracheal tube?

  21. And asked that the endotracheal tube previously placed by Dr.

  22. I could see the endotracheal tube which had been placed by Dr.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endotracheal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.