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Example sentences for "endowments"

Lexicographically close words:
endotracheal; endow; endowed; endowing; endowment; endows; endroit; endroits; ends; endue
  1. While yet a boy, he was remarkable for his noble endowments both of body and mind; and as he advanced in years, they became still more conspicuous.

  2. But in some endowments of heart and genius the ancient poet is far from being the inferior.

  3. The diction of Terence, while it wants the creativeness and exuberance of Plautus, is free from the mannerisms which accompanied these large endowments of the older poet.

  4. But yet, take heed lest you think the measure of your first endowments to be greater than it is.

  5. As smoke driveth away the bees from their hive, saith Basil de Junin; so gluttony expelleth all spiritual gifts, and excellent endowments of mind.

  6. There remains one feature of the Jewish priestly system upon which the chronicler lays great stress: the endowments and priestly dues.

  7. At the same time he had no prejudice against them; they had no living successors to compete for influence and endowments with the priests and Levites.

  8. Form and outside, in the choice of a ruler, should not be so much regarded as the qualities and endowments of the mind.

  9. The increase of endowments was only one aspect of the improvement, but an essential one.

  10. Thirty years after that, these doubled endowments had been multiplied by ten--and seventeen of the forty-five schools had disappeared.

  11. All over Christendom endowments were given for these masses and an army of priests did nothing else.

  12. He dealt with Church endowments as with any other part of the royal domain.

  13. Footnote 259: Maeterlinck, Ruysbroek's latest interpreter, is far too complimentary to the intellectual endowments of his fellow-countryman.

  14. His endowments were not of an ordinary kind.

  15. So long as men differ in natural endowments the ignorant and the incapable and the unsuccessful must outnumber those whose industry and energy and foresight insure success.

  16. He had the poet's creative imagination; he had an exquisite sense of the beautiful; and he had a realization of his own poetic endowments that kept him during a long life constantly true to the muse.

  17. There are faculties and powers which are wasting away, sacred endowments which have lost their vital circulation.

  18. The greatest things are not the perquisites of culture, but the endowments of humility and holy faith.

  19. This likeness of God lifts man out of the sphere of mere nature--it sets him apart in the essential characteristics and endowments of his being as above nature, and in some sense divine.

  20. The most splendid endowments in innumerable instances, have never been brought to light, in defect of circumstances to call them forth.

  21. The eager ambition with which they looked forward to Viceroyalties, Duchies, and endowments blinded them to the possibility of seeing the Cossacks in Paris.

  22. A man of independent genius could hardly have found himself entirely at his ease there, even if he were able to win one of the endowments by which to live.

  23. These colleges were not primarily intended to provide instruction, a function which was only gradually assumed by them as their endowments grew to be larger than were needed to provide the ordinary necessities of living.

  24. Even in our own country, and down to the present moment, endowments for education have been almost primarily thought of as made in the service of religion.

  25. I believe its operations are correct as regards mere social position--wealth, penury, even the endowments of genius.

  26. I considered what high gifts and endowments for great services he had, if he gave himself wholly unto God.

  27. This continued capacity for labor is doubtless owing to the natural endowments of a man who has nurtured his forces by avoiding excesses on the one hand, and on the other by carefully husbanding his strength.

  28. She was a very fine singer, and was gifted with remarkable mental endowments and rare sweetness of disposition.

  29. His intellectual endowments were almost without a parallel, and his achievements without a precedent.

  30. In many places, however, endowments were seized by virtue of this Act.

  31. Charity was crippled for a time by the confiscations of endowments designed for the relief of the destitute, until a new generation of philanthropists arose and endeavoured to replace them.

  32. It is difficult to ascertain which ancient charities still continue, but an attempt has been made to record approximately in the appended table such endowments as now exist.

  33. No endowments survived, but it is supported locally.

  34. But hospital endowments did certainly form a substantial dish at Henry’s feast, to which many royal favourites were bidden.

  35. Even if they possessed certain endowments in kind there was rarely money to spend on the fabric, and buildings became dilapidated.

  36. Endowments were to a certain extent supplied by the patron, but were supplemented by public charity.

  37. Bacon was a most important article of food; one of the endowments of St. Mary Magdalene’s, Winchester, consisted of four flitches annually.

  38. Natural endowments are not equal; but the chief cause of inequality lies in the unequal efforts which men make to develop their endowments.

  39. Now as I have already admitted, endowments are unlike; but what has this to do with the drift of the argument?

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "endowments" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.