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Example sentences for "engendereth"

Lexicographically close words:
engageth; engaging; engagingly; engender; engendered; engendering; engenders; engendred; engi; engin
  1. Being thus far advanced in the formality of the process, I find that this consopiating act engendereth another act, whence ariseth the articulating of a member.

  2. For it engendereth bad and unwholesome blood, and with its exorbitant heat woundeth them with grievous, hurtful, smart, and noisome vapours.

  3. I believe that the shadow of my master Pantagruel engendereth the altered and thirsty men, as the moon doth the catarrhs and defluxions.

  4. For since the body and the soul are so knit and joined together that they both make between them one person, the distemperance of either one engendereth sometimes the distemperance of both twain.

  5. Quoth the king, 'It behoveth us not to act hastily in the matter of this youth, but that we look into his affair, for that haste still engendereth repentance.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "engendereth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.