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Example sentences for "engageth"

Lexicographically close words:
engagement; engagements; engager; engagers; engages; engaging; engagingly; engender; engendered; engendereth
  1. That might he, and that will he, if he engageth seriously in the affair.

  2. Over-much friendship engageth us in more duty than we are well able to perform, without neglecting our duty to God, the commonwealth, and our own souls.

  3. It usually engageth many others in trades and labours which are unprofitable, that they may serve the lusts of these sensual prodigals.

  4. God commandeth man nothing that is not for his own good, and forbiddeth him nothing which is not (directly or indirectly) to his hurt: and therefore engageth self-love on his side for every act of our obedience.

  5. For a man that engageth himself in vain employment, doth lose all the words as vain, which he useth about that employment.

  6. You see by the text he imploreth it; and now I will shew you that he engageth it, and makes himself a sharer in it.

  7. But again, the Publican by his confession, showeth a piece of the highest wisdom that a mortal man can show; because by so doing, he engageth as well as imploreth the grace and mercy of God to save him.

  8. Hence note, That a sense of mercy, of distinguishing mercy, naturally engageth the heart to worship.

  9. This word, shall come, engageth Christ to communicate all manner of grace to those thus given him to make them effectually to come to him.

  10. The promise is absolute as to us; all that it engageth for its own accomplishment is, the mighty power of Christ and his faithfulness to accomplish.

  11. The one engageth all that is in God to be against a man; the other engageth all that is in him to be for a man.

  12. Faith engageth the heart to come to God with all things; whereas many difficulties would have been, and the secure or unsettled heart would have gone as many different ways to help them.

  13. His love and good-will in Jesus Christ, maketh an open entry and ready access to that rock; and faithfulness engageth both to give a shelter and refuge to the poor sinner.

  14. If a man engageth with all his power in the acquisition of a science or in the perfection of an art, it is as if he has been worshipping God in churches and temples.

  15. Our being what we are, engageth us: 1st.

  16. What one is this, that so carefully engageth his heart?

  17. In the covenant of grace, God engageth Himself to give Christ, and with Him all temporal, spiritual, and eternal blessings, and we engage ourselves to be His faithful servants all our days.

  18. O where is he that engageth his heart to approach to his God!

  19. And the light of nature and grace engageth us to do as much of the work of God in unity, and concord, and communion as we can.

  20. It engageth all subjects against their rulers' laws and government, and involveth them in the sin of denying them just obedience; while all the statute book must be found in the Scriptures, or else condemned as unlawful.

  21. When the office of the ministry is as well subservient to Christ as a Saviour and Benefactor, as to Christ as your Teacher and your King, the very nature of their work engageth you to obey them as you love yourselves.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "engageth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.