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Example sentences for "everry"

Lexicographically close words:
everie; everlasting; everlastingly; everlastingness; evermore; eversion; everted; every; everybody; everych
  1. Everry cattle become's in the first time that it is driven out the stables to the green feeding of meadow's, &c.

  2. Everry cattle sicke or well must you giving of three times to day, everry time one pot from the said mixture, which you have befor keapet a little warm but not to much heat.

  3. It provides that "the Clerk or Recorder shall receive Twenty-five cents for recording each and everry claim, and fifty cents for everry deed or conveyance .

  4. They are the same in everry country and in everry time.

  5. Hunters going on that Side, after Getting everry thing Complete, we Set Sale under a gentle breeze from the South and proceeded on, passed a Island (formd by a Pond fed by Springs) on the L.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "everry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.