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Example sentences for "excellente"

Lexicographically close words:
excellences; excellencie; excellencies; excellency; excellent; excellentlie; excellently; excellenza; excelleth; excelling
  1. Whether is vertue the moste excellente good thynge in this life.

  2. Esope chiefly excelled, ha- uyng the moste excellente vertue of the minde.

  3. In vaine were the creacion of the worlde, if there were not as manne so excellente a creature, to beholde the creatour, and his meruailous creacion.

  4. Dogge passeth all beastes and creatures, whiche the historie of Plinie dooe shewe, and Ari- stotle in his booke of the historie of beastes, therein you shall knowe their excellente nature.

  5. Tullie al- so as a moste excellente Orator, in the like sorte trauailed, whose Eloquence and vertue all tymes extolled, and the of- spryng of all ages worthilie aduaunceth.

  6. Wherfore, it was requisite that the excellente Capitaines were oratours: for that without knowyng how to speake to al the army, with difficultie maie be wrought any good thing: the whiche altogether in this our tyme is laied aside.

  7. Romaine people, before thei wer overcome, there should not growe exceadyng many excellente menne.

  8. First that notwithstanding the sayd Offices are bestowed by turnes, yet they which are most excellente in prowes of Armes, and Valiaunce, are best in fauour, and are placed in the most fertile Countreyes.

  9. Secretely he procured an excellente Goldsmith to make two other Rings, which accordinglye were made so like vnto the first, as the owner himselfe vnnethes knew one from the other.

  10. Before the beginning of this Historie, I thought good by way of Proeme, to introduce the wordes of an excellente writer called Lodouicus Cælius Rhodoginus, who saith that S.

  11. And because I rede an other excellente historie of the same Fabritius, I haue thought good to adde the same to this Nouell.

  12. Chariton was an Agrigentine borne, which is a towne in Sicilia, and a great louer of beauty, who with ardent affection loued one Menalippus, which was also borne in that Citie, of honest conditions and of excellente forme and comelines.

  13. By suche like perils and daungers, runne the excellente menne their race, vntill that they arriue at the Hauen where their good lotte is preserued.

  14. My louing fellowes and déere friendes, it is certayne that euery valiant manne of stoute courage, doth procure by déedes to make him selfe equall with the excellente men of his time, yea and with those that were before his time.

  15. The basis of the gold coins was to be the excellente de la Granada, issued at an equivalence of two of the antecedent excellentes, and at a tale of 65-1/3 to the mark.

  16. A goode Otter Hounde may prove an excellente good Bucke Hounde, if he be not olde, before he be enterred.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "excellente" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.