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Example sentences for "exchanger"

Lexicographically close words:
excessive; excessively; exchange; exchangeable; exchanged; exchangers; exchanges; exchanging; exchaunge; exchequer
  1. With the use of a liquid nitrogen heat exchanger at one end and an external battery of infrared lamps at the other end, the temperature simulates that of Mars from pole to equator.

  2. Other studies have indicated an extremely efficient algal system which offers a real potential for a practical and effective gas exchanger ([ref.

  3. The object of each exchanger was, that labour should be exchanged with capital.

  4. During the course of the unprofitable labour of waiting till he had found an exchanger who wanted coals, he might have perished.

  5. There can be no doubt that, as an exchanger of labour for capital, the labourer ought to be assured that the exchange shall in all respects be as free as the exchanges of any other description of property.

  6. He is therefore racially, historically, and by temperament jealous or contemptuous, according to his station in life, of the cosmopolitan exchanger of the world, the Jew.

  7. In this way, although the correspondent may be disappointed, the exchanger will maintain a character for honesty and fair-dealing, and will be remembered with pleasure.

  8. This is the way the editor understands the offers; but in some cases it has proved that the youthful exchanger means just the opposite, and wishes to obtain minerals instead of giving them.

  9. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "exchanger" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.